Example sentences of "and [adj] [noun pl] and [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Willis 's work also shares Robson 's view of courts as framers of judicial policy on social and political questions and it contains a number of pointed criticisms of the normativist style .
2 That if you like , er , and I 've used this example before but I 'll use it again , it was quite interesting I think anyway , is that one of the examples we used on one of courses , is that somebody calls into the depot and says , I need help , I 've got to get this delivered by tomorrow and collections or you or whoever takes the call , is very excited because this person says it 's three hundred and fifty kilos and I need it today , it 's Durham , we 'll use Durham , we 're starting from here , in Durham tomorrow morning .
3 It is not a question of disciplines and their boundaries being ‘ natural ’ or ‘ artificial ’ , but rather that ( inevitably perhaps ) our conceptions of knowledge become overly reified in their institutional and professional structures and we need to be reminded of their fluidity within the whole epistemological space .
4 Schools run themselves some have left the authority , we still have three education sub committees a major education committee , numerous sub groups and working parties and it 's gone time we recognised the changing world and streamlined the members side of the education department in the same way that the officer side 's been streamlined and slimmed down .
5 We care about low pay and low incomes and it 's estimated that in this country this so-called wealthy country that we have about eleven million people now on or just below E C poverty standards .
6 In his early years in Edinburgh , he spent much time in reorganising and rationalising the pathology service in the Royal Infirmary and associated hospitals and he laid a sure foundation of academic pathology in the Medical School .
7 The next day I bought a suitcase and some clothes and I began to live the life of Edward Pinkhammer .
8 I put two pounds in the machine up there and I got fifteen pounds , I got the three bars , er , not the three , two bars and some nudges and I nudged it
9 At one point they were thought to look peaky so each was given a bottle of Guinness and some oysters and they sat on their little iron beds scoffing them .
10 Robins are sensible and careful birds and they love the little ones . ’
11 I had deep fried duck with orange sauce and fried lice and I had
12 He said , ‘ Michael and Frances are two very strong and different personalities and they clashed . ’
13 I 've never talked so much in my life and they were interested , they were , I got all sorts of things in , Britannicus and Henry VIII and The Broken Heart and The Winter 's Tale and feminine endings and they did n't stop me , they said go on — oh and Satan 's speech to Eve in the garden — I was in a place of my own — oh glory . "
14 The headteacher , a kind and progressive woman , remarks that Michael is confused between masculine and feminine roles and she suspects that he has ‘ feminine genes ’ .
15 In consequence they had more free time for family and social activities and they found less problems in transferring the farm from father to son because the son could continue his own employment and live in his own house .
16 There are many available from non-governmental sources , too , for it was an important achievement of European culture to invent the social survey and social studies and they have proliferated since 1880 .
17 Most of his energies were directed to bringing about the union of the Scottish and English parliaments and he died in 1707 on the eve of his aim being realised .
18 All on the same alder tree we saw coal tits , gold crests , marsh willow tits and long-tailed tits and I learnt to distinguish the whip-like whistling note of the marsh tit .
19 Cameraman Martyn Colbeck , our Russian and Tadjik helpers and I had been filming in the mountains and soda lakes of the eastern Pamirs , a few miles from the Chinese border .
20 If another image occurs during this time , we can not perceive any interval between the first and second images and they appear continuous .
21 They baked cakes and meat pies and wholemeal loaves and they ordered flowers and hoovered the carpets and stairs ; in fact , thought Henry , Donald was getting more ( and higher quality ) attention dead than he ever had alive .
22 They spend most of their day lying in the shade … it 's always between 75 and 85 degrees and they enjoy coming into the open bar to meet guests .
23 I had to write string quartets and little symphonies and I had to write jazz melodies over chords and , eventually , I had to write down my own music .
24 Couscous is an excellent base for hot and cold salads and it does n't need cooking — simply soak it .
25 People do sit down to discuss and pool ideas , but in mainstream broadcasting boundaries are more rigid between technical and conceptual areas and she misses the opportunity to use her technical skills : ‘ If you see a shot that you really like you ca n't just grab the camera and say , ‘ Oh , can I have a go . ’
26 They can last for anything between a weekend and three weeks and they involve journeying to a place ( sometimes a large house has been rented for the time ; sometimes a college ) where you will eat , talk , be taught , sleep , live writing in a totally concentrated way for the length of the course .
27 It needed 12 stitches , big ones , and three injections and it hurts .
28 There was fifty and there was five levers and three lifts and I had to get a piece of paper and er make a , when you get one , two , three and then five you could have er three , three , two , one and five , four , three , two , one , you know what I mean ?
29 The 60MHz DECstation Model 260 , rated at 58 SPECint92 and 54.7 SPECfp92 comes with up to 480Mb memory and three slots and it starts at £12,800 .
30 And they used to take the gin and these pills and you know .
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