Example sentences of "and [adj] [prep] the [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The percentage of work-satisfied housewives is higher in the group with a high specification and lower in the group with a medium or low specification .
2 Indeed on the nineteenth of January the Noble Earl Lord told me that of the three hundred and sixty letters which had been received from a wide variety of organisations representing people of totally different political opinions and that following the publication of the White Paper .
3 George Forwell , Glasgow 's director of public health , said that the official gap between the city 's health and that of the rest of Scotland is growing worse .
4 These principles , and that of the independence of the media , were to be guaranteed by a new body , the Supreme Mass Communication Council .
5 It has been possible to reconstruct the complete instrument , which was a brass portable sundial with a geared calendar that showed the approximate shape of the moon and its age in days and may also have shown its position and that of the sun in the zodiac .
6 Now I should like the name and address of the authority who employ you , the name of your landlady and that of the school in which you 've been teaching . ’
7 He grasped the handle of the door in one hand , and that of the spoon in the other .
8 While admitting that the US company 's board had discussed winding up the Irish operation a number of times , he emphasized his gratitude and that of the board for the help and co-operation received from the Irish government and the IDA .
9 My hon. Friend should be aware how much we welcome his statement and that of the Secretary of State , which concentrate on how children are taught in schools rather than on the number of teachers employed .
10 I have already said that , on the question of jurisdiction , I can discern no difference between the policy of the Act of 1914 and that of the Act of 1986 , and under those circumstances I think that the registrar 's decision was right and the appeal must be dismissed .
11 Allow this clause to go through unamended and there is a serious danger that a future Home Secretary 's friends on a police authority could indicate that if a chief officer did not see things the way they did and that of the government of the day his contract might not be renewed .
12 Analysts suggested that Celli 's announcement was intended to counter the May 11 claim by opposition deputies and AD dissidents that they had collected more than 100 signatures from congressmen in favour of reducing the current term of President Carlos Andres Pérez and that of the legislature by one year ( to four years ) , and also in favour of the use of the referendum as a permanent formula to guarantee the public 's participation in political affairs .
13 In The Optical Unconscious Rosalind Krauss explores the interactions between the world of the art critic and that of the artist through imaginary encounters between such figures as Clement Greenberg , Marcel Duchamp , John Ruskin and Jacques Lacan ( £22.50 ) .
14 ‘ 'E came in when I was turning down 'is bed , ’ she volunteered , curtsying to Rose in fright , somewhat muddled between his ranking and that of the Prince of Wales .
15 XIXb ) ; mosaic 9 , of building XiI , 2 , Cirencester ( Neal 1981 , no. 30 ) ; and that of the panel above the Hare mosaic ( pi .
16 This , and the free labour conflict conducted by the Shipping Federation , troubled him less , however , than the Federation 's malicious attempts to destroy his credibility and that of the union by maligning his character and labelling him a criminal .
17 Let those things that were done in the dark of night be revealed for your justice and that of the king in the full light of day . ’
18 A before/after sequence would also appear to be excluded from the representation of the relation between the event of the main verb and that of the infinitive in the case of the verbs of perception .
19 This situation gives rise to a conflict between two interests , that of the patient and that of the society in which he lives .
20 Such plots gave choreographers scope to stage dances in which the world of the flesh could be exemplified by folk style or demi-caractère dances and that of the world of the spirit with the newly developed ‘ flight sur les pointes ’ and softly lyrical ports de bras which epitomised the heroine 's ethereal being .
21 The history of St Mary 's and that of the town over which it presides have been bound together since the Middle Ages , and the church 's sober , dignified presence was to form part of Coleridge 's earliest recollections of childhood .
22 Overall , then , Quine argues that the empiricist theory of meaning MP , together with Duhem 's thesis and that of the underdetermination of theory by data , has the effect of collapsing the notion of sentential meaning which it was supposed to explain .
23 Most were exasperated by their own position and that of the nation in general .
24 He had conferred great material benefits , providing Bibles and building great basilicas such as St John Lateran and St Peter 's at Rome , the church of the Resurrection ( later called the Holy Sepulchre ) at Jerusalem , and that of the Nativity at Bethlehem .
25 I shall state my position and that of the Opposition in my speech .
26 He describes this period of work as one of , of terrible strain , it was also a period in which he was personally very unhappy , and I get the impression that he really did use the best of his mind on this problem , and that for the rest of his life he found it difficult to press his thinking home with the kind of ruthlessness that many of the problems that he then assumed required .
27 Its bronze-gold wings were tightly wrapped around its body but the long equine head turned this way and that at the end of a remarkably prehensile neck .
28 When Mark reminded them that the plant was relatively new and that with the exception of the American Managing Director and Treasurer , was manned throughout by Irish men and women , they countered with , ‘ Ah yes , but it 's the Trade unions , you see . ’
29 We believe that the language learning facility possessed by normally hearing children is also possessed by hearing-impaired children and that with the exception of some with severe secondary handicaps , hearing-impaired children learn the mother tongue naturally .
30 It was explained to the women 's meeting which took this decision that " times had changed since the inauguration , that the cost of travel made meetings now almost impossible and that with the formation of local branches of the BDDA there was not the same need for the Auxiliary " .
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