Example sentences of "and [adj] [noun] were [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In contrast , small towns and rural areas were consistent gainers , with remoter rural areas increasing their rates of population growth between the 1960s and 1970s .
2 By 1985 , average urban concentrations were 38 ug/m³ ; and rural concentrations were 28 ug/m³ ; .
3 Early efforts to become involved in multi-agency approaches to crime and associated topics were painful experiences … we wanted to maintain the lead in every forum , to be the gatekeepers of power and have the right of veto if decisons were made which did not suit us . ’
4 Money was a less direct factor here : high unemployment and reliable xenophobia were sufficient justifications .
5 Gifford and old Edwin were lifelong buddies .
6 ‘ father brought me up here on his back in the spring one year , and I sat in the moor while he and old Donald were digging peats .
7 It led past the scarred brown door of the Bogeyman 's room , where strange noises and unpleasant smells were constant reminders of danger .
8 Conversely , throughout this period Government Ministers strenuously denied that unemployment and social deprivation were significant causes of urban unrest .
9 One hundred and twenty six men were homosexual or bisexual , five women and 21 men were intravenous drug abusers , one woman and three men had received blood transfusions ; in 30 men no risk factor could be ascertained .
10 The notion that Signet and Privy Seal were political rivals , the one working for the King , the other for a baronial council , is false .
11 On the other hand , others , like Joseph Parker , to whom Gladstonian Liberalism and Protestant Christianity were one faith , were not therefore accused of preaching the ‘ social gospel ’ .
12 William Titford 's elder and younger brothers were each well-travelled in their own ways : Benjamin James had settled in Somerset soon after his brief spell in Cheltenham , and Charles Frederick was to see more of the world than almost any Titford before or since .
13 But in Italy at the same time both foreign and native composers were developing forms of secular polyphony which later in the century were to spread over most of Europe and bring about a remarkable expansion of music 's technical resources in the regions of harmony and tonality and in emotional and pictorial expressiveness .
14 The hill towns of central Italy witness very obviously to two historical facts : to a continuity of life far surpassing the English towns we have compared with them , and to a love of independence , of a way of life in which turbulence and freedom and constant war were endemic factors .
15 The manufacture of coffin furniture and soft furnishings were independent trades ; here was a golden opportunity for the business to effect a take-over , but they did not .
16 It is very likely that a high proportion of the clergy in the tenth and eleventh centuries were hereditary clergymen .
17 The Radical and Radical-Socialist parties were petit-bourgeois parties largely avant la lettre .
18 Factional disunity , economic stagnation and Chinese dominance were further hindrances to change .
19 He was an experienced womaniser ; word-games and double entendres were second nature to him .
20 H pylori positive gastritis , and the combination of active duodenitis and gastric metaplasia were independent predictors of duodenal ulceration .
21 Logistic regression showed that gastric H pylori and the combination of active duodenitis and gastric metaplasia were independent predictors of duodenal ulceration .
22 Tunnel vision and mutual incomprehension were natural reactions .
23 Staff conflict and industrial action were new features of this depressing case , but the report again underlined the physical shortcomings of the buildings , poor standards of nursing care , and lack of clothing and other facilities for the patients , so typical of earlier reports .
24 Professional and managerial households were four times as likely to inherit as were the least skilled or the unemployed .
25 JAGUAR and General Motors were last night locked in crucial talks over a deal which would safeguard the luxury car maker from being taken over by the rival US motor giant Ford .
26 The principal family , Coker , were well-known Parliamentarians and several members were senior officers in the Cromwellian forces .
27 The book claimed that cancer and other deformities were mistaken wills , were new organs to meet new needs dreamed up in the deep unconscious , and that therefore they should be treated not with surgery but with interest and affection — humanity was limiting its potential by cutting out the tumours , blasting the cells .
28 ‘ Your Grace , I and two others were some way behind , bringing up the spare horses , and came on the scene only in time to see Sir Edmund at grips , and the battle all but done .
29 They found that more than six out of 10 children with emotional and behavioural problems were regular smokers .
30 Most of his friends and close supporters were Free Presbyterians .
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