Example sentences of "and [adj] [noun] she have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The flowers had probably been ordered soon after the Rose Bowl opened , and that morning she had taken time off to buy the dress that was now causing her indecision .
2 As she stared at him , she knew it had come , the moment of physical and emotional confrontation she had held off for so long , and she felt so vulnerable that she could barely breathe .
3 Now , still clutching the slices of unyielding satin to her , Nicandra wondered how it was possible to acknowledge fitly the immediate and selfless gallantry she had seen .
4 I heard of the miracles of Saint Winifred , and the many pilgrims and rich gifts she has brought to Shrewsbury , and I dreamed of finding such a patroness to give new life to Ramsey .
5 Pippa Nolan says they 're up against it all the time … lots of riders have young horses and they 've all had good rounds … but it 's a sport of ups and downs and this year she 's had her fair share of downs
6 He 'd said it once too often , and this time she 'd taken him at his word .
7 well my wife 's in the rag trade and this morning she 's got er , a fashion show starting , and I 'll bet you , I do n't know this , but I 'll bet you at least two of her manufacturers will have sent her samples to put in that show which probably will arrive at nine o'clock this morning .
8 Now and again Dinah would come on a phrase that interested her , but it was not the kind of subject she would have chosen to read , much less write out ; and these evenings she had to write it .
9 Increasingly it had seemed that the only time Laura saw Ross was when he slid into bed at night , and would once again become the demanding and passionate lover she had married .
10 Taught by Fenna 's crafty and ancient wisdom she had learned well the deft turns of deceit .
11 Before that , she realised , during the three years she 'd known him , he had never moved her to any great depths of emotion — not the same soaring heights and plummeting depths she 'd known in just a few days with Fen .
12 She ran , with his voice , that deep and beautiful voice she had loved so much , following her along the beach , as though it mocked her .
13 They were bare and shabby and if it had not been for the pretty yellow cloths she had made for the tables and the yellow and orange cushions she had covered for the chairs and the blue vase full of roses she had asked Maria to place on the chest of drawers , then they would have been dismal indeed .
14 The role of chairman of this sub-committee is an arduous one and Beryl was thanked most sincerely for the diligent and conscientious way she had carried out her duties .
15 Many people lived a lifetime and grew old and grey without reaching the emotional and spiritual heights she 'd touched .
16 She had surely not learnt them at her boarding-school , whose high-minded staff and prissy pupils she had described to him , and whose old-fashioned upper-classy slang she sometimes employed .
17 She followed him with her eyes as he walked with Emmie to the gate , very neat and spruce in the white Terylene shirt and blue shorts she had bought for him at Harrods .
18 And next year she has set herself the personal goal of raising £500,000 .
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