Example sentences of "and [adj] [be] [vb pp] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 The 4th and 15th are bound to be days when the tide of fortune may appear to turn against you .
2 The farmer 's tied him to the fence to stop him butting the sheep and that 's deemed to be cruel .
3 We had Paul Gascoigne pulling someone 's shorts down the other night , and that was deemed to be a prankster at work .
4 How did the news media , scientists and governments take on board a claim that made no sense within the laws of physics , was based in part on wrong data and that was shown to be flawed within days of the announcement ?
5 Hindus know the cosmic energy as the kundalini or serpent force , and this is said to be coiled around the base of the spine in every human being .
6 Quicklime slaked in urine and laid on the wood while hot , will also stain it a red colour ; and this is said to be the general practice with Windsor chair manufacturers in the neighbourhood of London ’ .
7 And this is reputed to be the mightiest in Britain .
8 Since 1945 conversion rates have fallen to a lower level , of about 15,000 — 17,000 ha , and this is considered to be the direct result of stricter planning controls .
9 Most modern text-writers state it with some slight , hesitant reservation ( and this is thought to be the correct view ) .
10 This is because the students will be dealing with this for the first time and this is thought to be a clearer presentation .
11 And this is meant to be hush-hush .
12 There 's no toilets , nothing for them , I mean they 're doing everything in public , I mean it 's not right , it 's making life bad and this is meant to be a holiday resort .
13 During the 1960s , ozone concentrations generally increased by up to 10 per cent at some monitoring stations ( Komhyr et al. , 1971 ) , and this was believed to be associated with variation in solar radiation over the 11-year cycle ( Keating , 1978 ) .
14 Even major institutions with developing reputations were unsuccessful in their first-time submissions — and this was bound to be particularly true in arts and social studies where members were anxious to ensure appropriate standards of course content and all that related to it — including staffing and other resources .
15 The final phase in the procedure involved giving parents advice about prospective job opportunities for their children , and this was considered to be the most difficult part of the work as it meant balancing all the different factors in an attempt to situate the best applicant in the best position .
16 The early mortality for elected admissions was point four percent and this was found to be significantly lower than the early mortality rate for emergency admissions which was two point four percent , some six times higher .
17 One of the brown immigrants deliberately poured some of his coffee over the pale slab of sugar crusted fruit pie he was eating , and this was thought to be a brilliant piece of improvised humour .
18 Untranslated sequences upstream of the coding regions 1 and 2 were found to be unrelated , and attempts to identify transcripts that contain linked 1 and 2 sequences by library screening or through RT-PCR experiments were unsuccessful ( data not shown ) .
19 The two electromagnetic field components in the initial regions I , II and III are taken to be .
20 While applauding the women of anger , Miki was worried that it might mean that anyone who writes about anything less traumatic and violent is considered to be less important .
21 There are many memories which are too painful , or too wicked , for the patient to remember without the aid of psychoanalysis , and these are said to be repressed .
22 Very occasionally true flames are seen , usually small and faint , and these are believed to be produced by the burning of hydrogen gas escaping from the magma .
23 Hence vertical perspective cues provide the only consistent and reliable information about the distance to the surface and these were found to be more effective in practice for depth and size scaling .
24 These complications all occurred within three months of operation and all were considered to be technical in nature .
25 On July 29 a Croatian report cited figures from the Bosnian health centre that to date 8,018 had been killed in the fighting and 100,000 were said to be in " concentration camps " , reports of which remained unconfirmed .
26 Non-specific changes were seen in 27 ( 0.5% ) ; new changes of possible myocardial ischaemia occurred in 10 ( 0.2% ) and 5 were believed to be related to sumatriptan ( 0.1% ) .
27 To date only 40 tickets have been sold and 50 was considered to be a viable number .
28 In Italy , out of over two hundred listed companies , only seven have 50% of their shares in public hands and five are understood to be effectively controlled by family groupings .
29 Britain and two were believed to be new to science .
30 The overwhelming majority of world favourites are large or very large in size , and most are thought to be either highly or relatively intelligent .
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