Example sentences of "and [adj] [conj] [pron] [vb past] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 There was such quiet authority in his deep voice that she nodded , instinctively obeying the command , remaining stiff and unfeeling as she watched him go back inside .
2 As she went round to the back of the Post Office , she could hear Mrs Hollins and Rachel in the kitchen , giggling and chattering while they cooked their Sunday lunch .
3 ‘ He could have blamed this and that but he said we deserved it .
4 So , she tried it on her and that and I said it 's fine .
5 And onto ou round Australia and that and I mentioned I started in New Foundland , yes .
6 But if they was good hay and that and you tramped them down they stayed for ages .
7 He told Police she 'd been violent and emotional when she left him at about 11.30 , an hour after she was supposed to have arrived .
8 Sarah seemed quiet and upset when we saw him off anyway . ’
9 The gesture was both intimate and impersonal and it reminded her of Maggie 's physical friendship that never grew into love .
10 She was frightened and depressed when they took her into hospital for the operation on December 22 , but she was fit enough to go home on Christmas Day .
11 He was slim and attractive , certainly , but his body was not quite as tense and muscular as he felt it ought to be .
12 You 've grown fat and lazy since I saw you last . ’
13 Karen realised that her goal was to find a job which was challenging and interesting and which provided her with opportunities for foreign travel .
14 And then suddenly he did stop and she was all sticky and messy and she thought he would speak to her now and comfort her or beg her in his whisper to kiss him , as he had done under the bridge the other nights they 'd met .
15 She 'd be polite and charming if it killed her !
16 The flat seemed cold and empty when she let herself in several hours later , and discovering a message from Kelly on the answering-machine brought no respite from the depression which had settled over her like a heavy black cloud .
17 I brought the duck I do n't want the duck so I said to her I got the duck but after good girl and she you 're alright with one thing and another and I said I told her I said I said to her when we were over there I said look , look you 're right if you like again so er warden came round
18 I could n't have gone to a better place because they 'd got most parts of the country and one thing and another and I fitted their bill to a tee .
19 His face was flushed and damp and he mopped his forehead with a large handkerchief .
20 This time he seemed ill at ease and jumpy and I noticed his face was slick with perspiration when he spun to greet me .
21 I had explained this to Aunt Louise , who enjoyed her bath and filled it almost to the top ; but she took no notice , becoming affronted and resentful if I reminded her .
22 But I was young and Scottish and I thought I was the greatest .
23 Both Jessica and Nadea seemed to agree that it was fitting and appropriate when I told them my first choice would be to serve with the Royal Canadian Air Force .
24 He was slim and dark and he told her his name was Steve .
25 My coat , like a bearskin , is well groomed but very thick and warm so I had my usual ‘ Irish siesta ’ in the afternoon .
26 He is old and sad because he lost his son .
27 Since he was the majority shareholder , this would have meant his family getting hold of the business — and much as we liked them , this was n't a prospect we exactly relished .
28 They were having a great time looking at the animals and listening as we explained which countries they were all from .
29 By then it was too late to try and change her policy , for the overseer seemed to have taken a real dislike to her , watching for any slip she made , so that he could punish her for being high and mighty as he called it .
30 ‘ That 's not long now , ’ she tried to sound cheerful and bracing as she saw her neighbour 's lower lip tremble .
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