Example sentences of "be all part of [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 it is a lot , but they 're all part of the same thing .
2 Yet we 're all part of the same community , Carter .
3 They should all be the same , let's put them together anyway , even if they 're not , we should put them together because erm I mean they 're all part of the same company anyway .
4 And tidying up after removal and spring cleaning homes that have n't been touched for years are all part of a normal day 's work .
5 Accidents , coincidences , ordinary everyday events are all part of a great plot and — ’
6 The complex rules of this game that have grown , been discarded and developed in another form are all part of a continuous struggle between the spenders and the controllers .
7 The discouraging effects of prolonged unemployment , experience in the labour market with employers and official intermediaries , public statements by political and economic commentators , politicians , and employers about the future of employment are all part of a social process of exclusion , which probably began to set the agenda in the minds of individual older workers in the After Redundancy study even before the redundancy itself took place .
8 The very words he uses , to ‘ sight ’ , to ‘ follow ’ , to ‘ go through ’ , to ‘ relax ’ , are all part of a physical vocabulary .
9 In order to do this , Jerry Falwell and the other Baptist pastors in the movement have to operate with almost watertight compartments for , on the one hand , their religion ( in this box Catholics and Jews are doomed sinners ) , and on the other , their politics ( we are all part of a shared Judeo-Christian tradition ) .
10 We are all part of an existing culture of education : the ERA aims at a substantial change in that culture .
11 In the ‘ Total Mentions ’ category , Oates records an ‘ incredible ’ 71 for Faber , but omits to note that the next three imprints ( Chatto , Cape , Hutchinson ) are all part of the general books division of Random House and achieved a combined total of 123 .
12 These and dissertations , extended essays and historical papers are all part of the general information we receive .
13 Different qualities and complexes of qualities are registered by me in a temporally extended sequence ; none the less , they are all part of the wider experience of looking at this same bunch of flowers which I assume to exist " out there " .
14 Discontent , hatred , anger , doubt , inferiority complexes , suspicion , mistrust , envy , resentment , bitterness , animosity , vindictiveness , spite , irritation , annoyance , indignation , malice , prejudice — these are all part of the green-eyed monster called jealousy .
15 It is worth bearing in mind , though , that his three oceans are in fact all part of one , and that their individual behaviours are all part of the overall behaviour of the planet 's hydrosphere , where all winds and currents , ambient temperatures and barometric pressures — and , just possibly , all human behaviour too — are part of one hugely complicated , ever-mobile , mathematically-insufferable and only marginally predictable global machine .
16 The willingness to learn new things , practice new forms of behaviour and make new , constructive , relationships with one 's family and friends are all part of the healthy re-channelling of time and energy that were formerly dissipated in addiction .
17 Fancy shapes and pointed pyramids are all part of the famous gardens of Levens Hall .
18 ‘ They are all part of the same market . ’
19 ‘ They are all part of the same market . ’
20 But prior to that … all the famous disappearances you 've read about in the Sunday tabloids are all part of the same phenomenon .
21 They argue that the differential in living standards between the two groups is minimal and to see this as social mobility is to detract attention from the important fact that they are all part of the large urban poor whose poverty is due to the wider social formation and , in particular , the capitalist mode of production .
22 They are all part of the Veteran-cycle Club , of which there are about eight members in Northern Ireland .
23 Nor did it seem apparent to all that the war fought at sea , the damage which might be inflicted upon enemy vessels and morale , and the consequences which victory at sea could have for those who lived in areas close to coasts , were all part of a wider war which could not be restricted to the fighting on land .
24 So I thought they were all part of a jokey game .
25 Sharp pointed pencils , clean brushes with gleaming ferrules and well scrubbed palettes were all part of the thorough preparations preceding practical work on Basil 's courses for teachers .
26 They were all part of the real or imaginary story of Argentina .
27 And the pitched battles about white or black pianos , sad poems or funny poems , red evening dresses or gold , white flowers or no flowers , were all part of the childlike behaviour caused by the burden of adult grief .
28 The strange locutions , the shabby clothes , the combination of kindliness and brusqueness , the strong ‘ personality ’ but increasing impersonality of his conversation and interests , were all part of the same process .
29 Malc and I were all part of the same gang when we were 14 , sort of ‘ paired off ’ when we were 15 , and started putting our biology theory into practice at 16 .
30 Temperance-style mass meetings , schemes for moral reclamation and placing prostitutes in domestic service , the setting up of rescue homes — these were all part of the feminist alternative to medical regulation .
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