Example sentences of "be not [vb pp] to be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 As the name suggests , these Guidelines are not intended to be binding or prescriptive , but rather to provide impartial guidance for the perplexed .
2 These are not intended to be prescriptive but centres may find them a useful resource in the delivery of the module .
3 These are not intended to be prescriptive but centres might find them a useful resource in the delivery of the modules .
4 These suggestions illustrate the flexibility of the provision and are not intended to be prescriptive in any way .
5 They are not intended to be prescriptive but are illustrative of the flexibility of National Certificate Modules in planning a curriculum .
6 As elsewhere in the book these suggestions are not intended to be prescriptive but , rather , a stimulus for ideas .
7 There are a number of tried and tested approaches for making the comparison ( eg general discussion and observation , question generation , model overlay ) , but these are not intended to be exhaustive ; analysts should endeavour to make imaginative use of the ideas generated during the systems thinking stages to examine what is happening in practice .
8 Six such explanations in particular will be discussed ( these are not intended to be exhaustive ) : the exigencies of cohort control , situational constraints , examination pressures , subject-related pedagogies , status and career factors , and teacher isolation .
9 The following are by way of being examples and are not intended to be definitive : ( i ) where the relationship between the debtor and the proposed surety is one in which the real possibility of the exercise of undue influence in any of its well recognised forms or of misrepresentation is present to the knowledge of the creditor , the creditor must take notice of the position and act reasonably in the circumstances : see per Dillon L.J .
10 If firms are not seen to be flexible , they are in danger of losing out . ’
11 The killings are not believed to be terrorist-related .
12 The women may be " disparaged " ( 4271 ) but are not shown to be outraged at what has happened to them .
13 Saliva , tears and urine are not known to be infectious .
14 These are not meant to be comprehensive surveys of the literature , but are simply designed to illustrate the application of rational expectations to specific areas .
15 The illustrations are not meant to be accurate — for use as maps — but they succeed brilliantly as indicators of the terrain likely to be found on these walks .
16 Christians in particular have trouble with this part of the grief response because so often it seems that Christians are not meant to be angry — especially when the feeling is commonly directed towards God personally , as it were : ‘ I try to live a good life and see what He has let happen …
17 Trade unions , it they are involved at all , are not meant to be militant .
18 As the law stands County Councils do not have to provide sites for people who are not deemed to be traditional travellers — or gypsies :
19 Women who reach higher education are not deemed to be successful by virtue of having done so ; on the contrary , higher education continues to exclude and marginalize its female students , pushing them further into ‘ female ’ jobs or marriage and family .
20 Indeed , if the actions are not deemed to be free and rational ( in the sense that the offenders are capable of understanding their nature , moral meaning and consequences ) then they will not usually be defined as crimes in legal terms .
21 Indeed it has been a skill whose weakness has been at the root of many criticisms of GCSE papers where short answers are not deemed to be adequate foundation for A level .
22 As a rule , you are not expected to be technical , and should avoid being drawn into technical conversations .
23 And while you are not expected to be perfect ( who is , ever ? ) you are expected to have something to offer .
24 You should be able to forgive yourself once you realise that you are not expected to be perfect ; indeed , if you were , you would not need to be here at all — your spirit would be continuing its learning process somewhere else .
25 It will include an extension mechanism , and QuickTime , AppleScript and Apple Open Collaboration Environment are being converted for the environment , but are not expected to be ready until the second half of next year .
26 If they fail to win 50 per cent this time , they are not expected to be able to rebuild the alliance .
27 ‘ I 'm sure you know ’ , Miss Honey said , ‘ that children in the bottom class at school are not expected to be able to read or spell or juggle with numbers when they first arrive .
28 It is acceptable to ask them over for a meal they are not expected to be able to manage without a caring woman .
29 Initial implementations are not expected to be 64-bit — that should first appear in the PowerPC 620 chip , expected next year .
30 Faults in your own work are glaringly obvious because you know so much about them , but other people 's faults are not considered to be important .
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