Example sentences of "be not [adv] [art] [noun] that " in BNC.

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1 Sometimes the bible surprises us a little bit of course , and it puts it finger on things that we perhaps do n't really want to talk about or we do n't even consider as sins and the bible is quite clear that not all sins are what we do often there what we do n't do in parable that Jesus told concerning the traveller , the man who went down to Jericho , we do n't condemn the priest and the levite for what they did , but we do condemn them for what they did n't do , their sin was not what they did , it was what they left undone , going over and looking at the man was very note worthy , as least there was some interest there and we do n't condemn them for that , but we do condemn them for hurrying along and not reaching out and helping the man in the Pistol of James and chapter four and verse seventeen James says there , any one then who knows the good he ought to do and does n't do it , sins so the sins that you and I comment or the sins rather that we are guilty of are not just the things that we do there of times the things that we do n't do and sometimes there more difficult for us to put a finger on , we can justify them so very easily its been said that all it needs for evil to triumph , is for good men to say or to do nothing well lets look at the , that , illu illustration there that we have in the second book of kings .
2 The snag is , as London Docklands developers have found , these are not always the houses that people want .
3 It is all too easy to get people who will tell you the nice things , and after all there is not a lot that you can do about that , but those who will stand up without fear or favour and tell you , hopefully tactfully , that things are not really the way that everybody else thinks they are pearls beyond price .
4 I 'm not exactly the stuff that can nurture a man 's fantasies for any length of time . ’
5 V.W. I 'm not quite the loony that I was seen to be six years ago , when I first came in the school .
6 But it is not generally the stuff that appears on television , where self-restraint has become the norm .
7 Good health at Guinness Brewing GB is not just a toast that precedes the downing of a jar of the product — it is also the concern of a dedicated team of medical experts .
8 This manner of thinking about the family is not just an image that can be presented in advertisements of childrens stories .
9 Can I just change the picture in closing thinking of harvest is not just the harvest that we reap for ourselves , the benefits that we get , but Jesus said also , he said , you look on the fields , they 're white all ready to harvest .
10 It is not just the surface that is involved either , because sound passes easily through the skin and muscle and bounces back only from bone and air-filled cavities .
11 It is not just the life that we know .
12 It is not just the life that has been successfully hidden .
13 It is not just the OEMs that will bring Solaris 2.1 for Intel to market .
14 It is not just the sense that this is a partisan administration that is worrying Washington .
15 However it is not just the press that 's causing Parker difficulties — the company 's personal computer , mid-range and networking arms are all happy to explain how they are perfectly capable of running enterprise-wide applications , and the company 's most swingeing cuts are being aimed at the Enterprise Systems division .
16 And it is not just the movement that is confused ; the financial status of the housewife is as much of a poser for those who would confirm women 's traditional role as for those who would change it .
17 However , it is not just the fact that professional education involves value-education which tends to make it conservative ; it is the way in which values and attitudes are learned .
18 Hedonism , however , is not simply a doctrine that says pleasure is good for you .
19 To this it might be replied that it is not simply the case that the evaporation/solar-flares analogy is not sufficiently strong an analogy to justify our using the term ‘ afternoon ’ on the Sun ; it is no justification at all .
20 The importance of the healing miracles for most Christians today is not simply the fact that Jesus performed them .
21 This is not exactly a character that springs to mind watching her at the Queen Vic jumping into the sack with her husband 's brother .
22 ‘ However , ‘ normal ’ is not exactly a word that fits you , so we will let that one go . ’
23 It is not invariably the case that Shetlanders who are selling land , will exhibit loyalty and give preference to other Shetlanders , especially if the other Shetlanders are not related .
24 One particular wolf or hunting dog is not always the individual that takes the first grip on its victim .
25 It is not always the case that the economists ' bias is right .
26 It is not always the case that a partial equilibrium welfare analysis will show unequivocally that more ‘ competition ’ in this form is better .
27 Also , it is not always the case that those who are entitled to benefits actually receive them , i.e. the ‘ take-up ’ rate may be low .
28 ( 4 ) Many tenants object to forfeiture provisions applying where distress or execution has been levied on its goods at the premises , as even in the best run organisations this sometimes occurs and it is not always an indication that the tenant is in financial difficulty .
29 CHRIS PATTEN 'S decision is not quite the fudge that Lord Northfield , the developers ' chairman , called it yesterday .
30 But the expectations involved in roles are not simply one-directional ; it is not merely the case that a person is expected to play a role in certain typical ways .
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