Example sentences of "be that [pron] [verb] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is not possible to reconstruct a detailed history of Ine 's reign but the indications are that he ruled with firmness .
2 Signs are that it fell into disuse during the period after the Romans had left and legendary Celtic leaders , such as Arthur , were endeavouring to maintain civilised standards against waves of barbarian invaders .
3 In her foreword , Ruth Richardson , the Minister of Finance ( and not the most popular Kiwi politician ) , expresses it thus : ‘ The special advantages of accrual accounting are that it distinguishes between capital and current spending , and that it takes better account of the cost of current policies for future generations …
4 My own assessment before we had the check would have been that he worked within C.N.D. because he was a committed C.N.D. member rather than working in C.N.D. in order to further the interests of the Communist Party .
5 The prevailing view of such work group resistance has often been that it stems from workers ' misunderstanding of management 's intentions .
6 The only difference from the literary effusions of today 's superstars were that he wrote without benefit of a ‘ ghost ’ .
7 The conditions were that he resides at Handley Green , Laindon , reports daily to Laindon police station and does not enter Clacton .
8 The worst thing by far , and what I can never get used to , is that we went around Europe with them for a month , living with them , sleeping in the same room , and apart from the odd bit of nagging , everything was fine .
9 One of the most important messages that we must give to everyone in our country is that we have in place proper , fair and effective policies to deal with the unprecedented flow of asylum seekers .
10 If we have only indicators what his methodological reasoning suggests is that we look for patterns among indicators which might suggest that we have found something of substance and significance .
11 I think that one of the great problems , and I 've made a number of studies of individual Puritans in the seventeenth century , is that we talk about Puritanism and we think of Victorian Nonconformity .
12 The traditional view of zebra stripes is that they act as camouflage , but even in woodland cover this is not convincing and , in any case , zebra herds spend most of their time on open grassland where the stripes can not hide them .
13 The trouble with our research and development programmes in information technology ( IT ) today is that they concentrate on technology push .
14 One of the positive aspects of strong bosses is that they fight against injustice , and show themselves to be externally strong characters .
15 I mean we can Toyota can produce , you know , sufficient Corollas or whatever it is that they make at Derby erm , to sat to satisfy the whole of the world market for that particular car , just from one plant .
16 The value of the Survey 's findings on book condition is that they relate to material actually issued to readers , and do not simply describe books stored on the shelves .
17 You might then wonder what the cutting of the hair had to do with it — well , one of the features of auto-immune diseases is that they cluster within individuals and sometimes within an individual 's family , and the reasons for that are that the immune responses that we have we inherit with our genes .
18 He can create overall rhythms and within them short phrase rhythms , but the basis of them all is that they exist in groups and by being efficient in action and appropriate to the context give pleasure to both the performer and the onlooker . ’
19 The only problem with grants is that they vary in availability from council to council .
20 What makes this pattern of dots different to those that can be produced by a scanner and page printer is that they vary in size .
21 What is most striking about such groupings is that they provide for careers on the football terraces .
22 You were saying that the , the reason why the multinationals sell coffee very cheaply is that they buy in bulk .
23 Thus an instantaneous influence propagates from A to B whose effect depends radically upon exactly what it is that I measure on A.
24 One question , and that is that I noticed on page three , er , you 've got your revised estimate with effect in ninety four , five , you 've got nothing .
25 He told TODAY soon after the tragedy : ‘ My only crime is that I fell in love with another girl . ’
26 ‘ The other vital thing for me is that I keep on learning .
27 One is that I think in order to overcome some of the objections that that we heard from Leeds yesterday in terms of the erm the urban regeneration policies , that any proposal would would certainly need to be re-relocating from outside the region .
28 Another part of year 10 is that you go on work experience for two weeks .
29 Could you now tell us what it is that you knew about Mr ?
30 Well now erm what it says here is that you want to sort of talk about possible options for a year out and then relevance of archaeology to career in surveying or land management .
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