Example sentences of "be it [adj] for [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Never is it allowable for an individual or a team to have an off day for the very simple and plausible reason that they are just tired !
2 Is it possible for a person to move smoothly through the first three levels of understanding and still leave out something essential ?
3 In other words , is it possible for a person to know his need , to know that if Christianity is true it provides an answer , to know on the basis of sufficient evidence that it is in fact true , and yet believe inadequately ?
4 How is it possible for a computer to discover things ?
5 How is it possible for a creature to form means — end plans for reaching a desired object , plans within which other objects are represented as instruments to the overall end ?
6 How is it possible for a creature to perceive apparent movement , or to distinguish visually between replacement , motion , and change ?
7 Only if all new investment in the firm has to be financed from retained earnings is it possible for an increase in dividends to reduce net investment and thereby reduce the ability of the firm to deliver real income in the future .
8 Nor is it possible for the sufferer to ‘ snap out of it ’ as is often suggested with varying degrees of tactfulness .
9 Is it possible for the Church of England to proclaim this redemption with integrity and conviction in our day unless it ordains women as well as men as priests ?
10 Is it possible for the inmates to make the visitors understand what life is like for them , without arousing the hostility of the Warden ?
11 The key to the underlying tension here is in the line : ‘ Is it possible for the inmates to make the visitors understand what life is like for them without arousing the hostility of the Warden ? ’
12 In what circumstances is it appropriate for a Convention to prescribe a conflicts rule in relation to an issue rather than settling it directly by a substantive rule ?
13 Is it easy for the customer to understand the layout ?
14 Is it suitable for the level of the work ?
15 Is it reasonable for a woman to invite a man to her bedroom , even to undress and get into bed , and still reserve the right to refuse penetrative sex ?
16 ‘ Tell me , Padre , is it usual for a priest to carry a rifle ? ’
17 Is it usual for the cover men to have a revolver and a shot gun ?
18 Nor ( in many cases ) is it necessary for the exchange to ascertain all relevant facts before taking action , provided it does so in good faith .
19 To what extent is it necessary for the prosecutor to show that it was the purpose of the defendant to make the task of the police the more difficult ?
20 On the assumption that most parties in the House wish to remain in NATO , why is it necessary for the United Kingdom to have a capability of this kind , in addition to the United States capability ?
21 Is it necessary for the defendant to prove that the plaintiff agreed to waive his legal rights in order for him to succeed in a volenti plea ?
22 It may be good for your ego , but is it good for the company ?
23 Is it good for the United States ?
24 He sat down , knowing in his heart of hearts that for as long as Randy Mueller had a major part to play in UM 's corporate planning , his basic criteria would be : ‘ Is it good for the Corporation ?
25 Is it mandatory for the company to determine the dividends and their date of payment in general meeting ?
26 Is it just for the sake of appearances because everyone else does ?
27 They asked , ‘ Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife for any and every reason ? ’
28 But is it lawful for the Home Secretary to have a different tariff from the judges ?
29 Is it fair for a stockman or a shepherd to face a £2,000 ( $3,390 ) fine if he harms an adder to protect a child or a farm animal ?
30 If five or six of these states choose to federate within a tight structure governed by a central bank , is it imperative for the United Kingdom to join their Federation ?
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