Example sentences of "be in [noun sg] [art] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Guilt that the family member himself or herself may possibly have been in part a cause of the problem in the primary sufferer either by something done or not done .
2 Others , myself among them , are not convinced that Cromwell was the sole architect of the Privy Council , which may have been in part the consequence of his fall rather than of his predominance .
3 Infant mortality remained unremittingly high at about 150/1,000 from 1840 until about 1900 , although this apparent stability may have been in part an artefact of the extension of birth registration to the least healthy groups of the population , and of a shift in the social class composition of births .
4 ‘ Giving in ’ to prevent ‘ giving more ’ , which has been in reality the basis of much of British diplomacy in Europe , will need to be replaced by a position which says , ‘ Above the line anything goes ; below it we walk away . ’
5 While shareholders are not the owners of the company 's assets as a matter of strict law , they are in substance the owners by virtue of being the contributors of the company 's capital .
6 Being part of the natural world and a proper object of scientific study , X is predictable on the basis of X 's preferences and information , which are in turn the result of X 's nature and nurture .
7 Statutes which prohibit the production of evidence abroad , commonly known as ‘ blocking statutes ’ , many of which have been adopted since the 1978 meeting … , are in part a response to what are perceived in some countries as exorbitant assertions of jurisdiction by the courts of other countries .
8 Dry grasslands are in part a relic of early agriculture , dating from the days when pre-historic man undertook the first forest clearances .
9 Indeed , it may vary for reasons which are in part a matter for individual decision and temperament .
10 The limitations of Stephano and Trinculo are in part the limitations of their medium .
11 Nevertheless , the view that consumer tastes are in part the result of corporate influence and do not originate exclusively in the autonomous individual will is a persuasive one .
12 But it is like the first scenario in this : both kinds of eroticism are specific to male bonding , both occur within and against the very situations in which heterosexuality is most ardently pursued , and both are in part the consequence of heterosexual ardour .
13 Therefore voluntary aided schools are in effect a kind of partnership : the premises are provided and to an extent kept up by the religious or other body which established them whilst the cost of running the schools is borne by the public purse .
14 It was suggested in the last chapter that analysis which tends to deal with the nature of modernity itself is always in danger of leading to assumptions concerning the superiority of certain ‘ advanced ’ peoples over others , which are in effect a version of primitivism .
15 Soon after the return of the Beagle , when he was still seeking for a mechanism for evolution , he began a series of notebooks , the M and N notebooks , which are in effect a search for a materialist theory of psychology : they are concerned with anything — for example , the effects of drugs , of ageing — which suggests that thoughts are influenced by the state of the brain .
16 They are in effect the fundamentals of molecules that are already vibrationally excited .
17 For convenience , and to enable comparisons to be made with other Scottish economic statistics and UK export statistics , the estimates presented in this report are shown as calendar year values , although they are in fact a compromise between calendar year and financial year values .
18 Their productions this year 's follows from Rear Door , Split and Warp are in fact a mixture of choreographed and improvised movement .
19 Because of their implementation dates , they will probably be associated with the Major administration , but they are in fact a legacy of the Thatcher years .
20 The result has been that the majority of boards produced today fall under the blanket description of being funboards , although there are in fact a number of different designs .
21 Although the authors call them letters they are in fact a form of communication we call prayer .
22 Although Mr Tribe and Mrs Gordon are on hand to supervise , the weekend sessions are in fact the responsibility of the senior Rangers aged between 17 and early 20s , together with junior instructors .
23 Even if the rights being asserted are in reality a reflection of parental responsibility to ensure that children receive a suitable education ( although there is inevitably dispute between parent and state about the meaning of ‘ suitable ’ in this context ) , such responsibility gives rise to a considerable amount of power and authority .
24 Should the text be as described , I shall be unable to reconcile the Church 's utter opposition to the killing of the unborn child and euthanasia which are in essence a defence of human rights for those weakest and least-able-to-speak members of humankind .
25 The two subgenres of popfiction , " romances and thrillers " , which are in essence the subject of the book , are also regularly measured against each other in a series of detailed comparisons .
26 Meikle [ 1990 ] Crim.L.R. 801 , where it had been made clear that prosecutors are fully entitled to bring any number of offences against a single defendant at different times and so cause to be in existence a number of custody time limits not coinciding wholly with one another .
27 It was recognised by the defendants that when the employment of an agent came to an end it was likely that there would be in existence a number of policies which would have been effected during the period of the plaintiff 's employment in respect of which commission would normally be paid in future years if the employment had continued .
28 It could be argued , however , that if a PhD really is expected to be in part a contribution to knowledge , then this factor should be built into the system , so that the information gathered in such a costly fashion should be published in some form before completion , as is expected in some other European countries , such as Germany and the Netherlands .
29 It could be argued , however , that if a Ph D really is expected to be in part a contribution to knowledge , then this factor should be built into the system , so that the information gathered in such a costly fashion should be published in some form before completion , as is expected in some other European countries , such as Germany and the Netherlands .
30 This may be in part a search for higher returns but it must also be a function of the desire to diversify away from the risk of the domestic market .
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