Example sentences of "be a [noun sg] and it [is] " in BNC.

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1 From the narrow accountancy viewpoint , people are a cost and it is desirable to keep this cost as low as possible .
2 But as they do need the financial background too , finding a suitable candidate to take on the finance director role , particularly of a large organisation , can be a problem and it 's not unknown for a company to invest considerable time and money in training someone specially for the job , though it is rare .
3 That is owned by the same stable if you like , it 's a publisher and it 's the Sun .
4 She says that when there 's a chase and it 's obvious the person is n't going to stop , the police should back off .
5 ‘ There 's a dream and it is dreaming us , ’ they say .
6 Contrariety : It 's a cat and It 's a dog stand in a contrary relation : It 's a cat unilaterally entails It 's not a dog
7 In fact it 's sometimes said that it 's one of the very great privileges of the public is that they can , by dint of writing something , and putting it in an envelope with a stamp on it , get it to arrive on an editor 's desk , and have the editor at least give a cursory glance if not a more serious glance at what 's going on , so it 's a privilege and it 's an opportunity in that case .
8 It 's a pistol and it 's in a case .
9 It 's a profession and it 's about time they started to act like professionals . ’
10 It 's a piano and it 's
11 For instance , there is no superordinate for the nouns knife , fork and spoon : that , there is no X such that It 's a knife , It 's a fork and It 's a spoon all entail It 's an X .
12 It 's a dog and it 's brown .
13 They both fall under the superordinate animal ( in the sense of ‘ creature ’ ) ; and It 's a dog and It 's not a dog have no necessary links with It 's a pet and It 's not a pet .
14 ‘ Well it 's a it 's a it 's a place and it 's a g-girl and a boy … and the-they 've got obviously something which is is made some made made made well it 's just beginning to go and be rather unpleasant ( ha ! ha ! ) um and this is in the this is the the woman and she 's put putting some stuff and the it 's it 's that 's being really too big t-to do and nobody seems to have got anything there at all at all and er it 's …
15 Saying that erm you know th you know that it 's a grenade and it 's going to be quick death .
16 And there 's a book and it 's oh about quarter of and it 's got the bible written in fourteen nineties .
17 It 's a challenge and it 's just fun to be swooping around in the sky .
18 They both fall under the superordinate animal ( in the sense of ‘ creature ’ ) ; and It 's a dog and It 's not a dog have no necessary links with It 's a pet and It 's not a pet .
19 Nigel Watson , chairman of the housing forum , said : ‘ The survey confirms our fears that there is a problem and it is one which is getting worse as more young people are being forced to leave the dale . ’
20 She said : ’ No , that is a goal and it 's explicity set out as a goal .
21 We are so used to hearing talk about the nervous system ‘ encoding ’ the outside world that it is easy to forget that this is a metaphor and it is one that has no place in serious philosophical discussion of the mind-body problem or the philosophy of perception .
22 CoHSE official Dave McNicholas , an intensive care staff nurse , said : ‘ This is a scandal and it 's not just our unit that 's affected by shortages but units across the country .
23 ( It was a driver and it 's now mounted in Lyle Towers because after that he could n't hit a fairway with it ! )
24 But he was a genius and it 's one of his best plays and most pertinent today .
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