Example sentences of "be a [noun sg] [prep] [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 These arguments suggested that the starting point for criminology should be a consideration of how the legal rules that define crimes come about and whose interests they serve .
2 It is possible he will be a candidate for both the leadership and deputy leadership .
3 But too much mist obscures the question what it is like to be a chimp for even the best-meaning efforts to make them make the best of meaning .
4 One source of interest can be a description of where the interview has taken place , perhaps a studio , or maybe the artist 's home .
5 There would be a reassessment of how the land reform process had worked .
6 The drilling provided for the first time borehole information on the age and evolution of the Great Barrier Reef Pore morphology was seen to be a control on both the resistivity and velocity logs , and when combined with Formation Micro Scanner data , should enable laboratory research to provide the basis of enhanced geological interpretation of the downhole geophysical logs .
7 This figure should be a minimum of twice the value of interest charged on all borrowed funds .
8 The complexities of anatomy and pelvic-floor physiology may be a challenge to even the best general physicians who are rarely faced with these patients .
9 This could be a dilemma for both the clinical director and other consultants within the directorate .
10 It occurred to him that if this were over the Front he would be a gift for even the stupidest German pilot .
11 Now he thinks he can work it in , which I 'm pleased about because if this is the way the Indians react to me and Matt then maybe that 's a pointer to how the fans will go .
12 There 's an igneous intrusion there , with fragments of garnet peridotite — that 's a rock from below the earth 's crust — and I 'd like to spend a bit of time there , though the rocks at the north-west end look pretty difficult to get at .
13 The similarity of their views — if only on that one key point — is a measure of how the superpower thaw is extending from arms control to economic matters as well .
14 The form they take is a function of both the viscosity of the magma and the configuration of fractures and other lines of weakness in the country rock .
15 Whether this is a plain green , or yellow , or an overall mottled grey and brown , the result is a body-covering of precisely the same hue and tone .
16 That is a sign of how the play has been intelligently re-thought .
17 The other thing , and this is a case of where the panel bites back as it were .
18 They were last year , they gave an undertaking to do it as soon as possible , it is a case of where the money comes from er Mr of course is relatively new er we do n't bother about as a rule about what he casts as new costs in new staff .
19 But it is very well supported for games , since it is a standard in both the US and in Europe , whereas the Amstrad and Sinclair Z-80-based machines failed in the US .
20 But it is a relief to both the rider and the horse occasionally to dismount . ’
21 The impartial observation able to be made is that , in both cases , it is a question of where the clubs go from here and too early to jump to any conclusions .
22 Essentially this is a question of how the ‘ inside ’ articulates with the ‘ outside ’ .
23 The Lady of the Hearth is a reminder of how the mundane , prosaic side of life is intimately connected to that which is highest and freest in us .
24 They may conveniently be divided into those in which it is explicitly stated that intention matters particularly , and those in which that is a matter of how the text is interpreted .
25 Secondly , there is a need to further the general humanity which such behaviour augments .
26 The United Kingdom is a signatory to both the Convention ( 1951 ) and the Covenant ( 1976 ) although neither has been incorporated into our domestic law .
27 The statement just as a as a useful instrument will er I hope it will be a useful instrument er is a step in probably the right direction and we just wait and see .
28 This is a study of how the speed of technology change interacts with the development of market structure .
29 Jennifer Capriati , who stormed onto the women 's pro tour at the age of 14 last year , is a product of both the Macci and Saddlebrook academies .
30 This is a definition of how the brand should best fit into its competitive market .
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