Example sentences of "be the [noun] [pron] [vb mod] have " in BNC.

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1 To which I replied , ‘ This is not the substance of what he said , and if it had been the substance he would have divided the Cabinet ’ ' ( 15 December 1964 ) .
2 There was a finding that the contractors were at fault with regard to the old shafts , but it is not clear that they should have realised that their conduct would affect the plaintiff 's land and even if this had been the case there would have been a serious issue at that times whether the defendant was liable for the negligence of his contractor .
3 Tension can be created either by the sponsor 's subtle , superior position of detachment : ‘ I am only here to describe the problems ; you are the ones who will have to face them ’ , or , quite differently , a hint of ‘ I know more than I am going to tell ’ , or its cruder version : ‘ I am doing a good salesman 's job and you are going to fall for it ’ .
4 Blessed are the gentleman they shall have the earth for their possessions .
5 We will be asking not just ‘ who are the women who should have been there ’ , but also ‘ what are the theoretical and conceptual models at work ? ’ .
6 Erm those are the issues which will have to be very carefully balanced .
7 Those are the people who would have benefited or taken in to account should the Queen have died without a will .
8 ‘ And I 'm the man you 'll have tonight , when we reach Thailand ! ’
9 ‘ We have to get back to a position where investors want to invest in unquoted companies and believe they 're still getting a good return , but I do n't think that will be the 30% they might have been promised . ’
10 If this could be shown to be the case they would have been entitled to a share purchase order from the Court .
11 Will we be the people who will have the task and experience of finding this cure ?
12 This being the case it would have been good to have had some assessment of Kellner 's copy of the cello suites , recently issued in facsimile by Bärenreiter together with Anna Magdalena 's copy and two others .
13 Now VAT men have earned an unfortunate reputation for not exactly being the sort who might have graduated from the Lucy Clayton school for charm and social deportment .
14 Some of us have to learn to forgive our parents for not being the people we might have wanted them to be .
15 Being the senior trainers for the whole county could be a full time job , and I am afraid that if that were the case we would have to give it all up .
16 ‘ If that were the case he could have it and welcome .
17 If Pound had attended to Thomas Hardy 's marriage to Florence Emily Dugdale within two years of the death of his first wife , Emma , there can be little doubt that this is the verdict he would have passed on the transaction .
18 The owners might have claimed damages in arbitration against the yard with all the inherent unavoidable uncertainties of litigation , but in view of the position of the owners vis-d-vis their relations with Shell it would be unreasonable to hold that this is the course they should have taken : see Astley v. Reynolds ( 1731 ) 2 Str. 915 .
19 If it is the buyer he will have to give up goods ( or their value ) for which he has paid good money .
20 It is the nurse who will have to decide on whether to evacuate or who to move , how and where .
21 Now , ( iii ) for someone to be entitled to say that something is the case he must have some basis for what he says .
22 This assumes that a depositor is the person who will have made the deposit in question .
23 What may prove to be important for future generations of elderly people in terms of care and living arrangements , is the numbers who will have experienced a divorce .
24 ‘ But if it can not , then this is the method we will have to use . ’
25 While it is undoubtedly true that there are advantageous settlements negotiated at the door of the Court , the actual cost to the defender in settling at that stage is significant insofar as in the majority of cases it is the defender who will have to meet the whole cost of preparation for the Proof by both parties , including attendance of witnesses , Counsel 's fees and so forth .
26 The next best option was to take a BSc degree in coal-mining — and that was how he ended up becoming a mining engineer instead of a teacher , which in all probability is the career he would have followed if he had managed to fulfil his original goal of studying geography .
27 This is the reason we can have solid bodies that do not collapse to a point or radiate away to infinity .
28 Perhaps the most striking and most controversial aspect of the proposals introduced yesterday is the effect they will have on the low paid .
29 Perhaps the most striking and most controversial aspect of the proposals introduced yesterday is the effect they will have on the low paid .
30 ‘ It has obviously set back our restoration work , ’ Mr Rutter said , ‘ but the worst aspect is the effect it will have on the morale of volunteers .
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