Example sentences of "be the [noun] [prep] [noun] over " in BNC.

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1 She had been told on one occasion by the EP that Tom 's behaviour problems might have been the result of frustration over reading difficulties .
2 Peter Peacock , of Highland Region , the secretary of the group , said it did not wish to be the cause of disunity over the water issue .
3 Other accusations were the result of disputes over the ownership of animals .
4 The final element in the policy making process is the response to developments over which governments have no control .
5 It is the lack of disagreement over fundamentals that distinguishes mature , normal science from the relatively disorganized activity of immature pre-science .
6 An important feature of both the bought deal and traditional syndication is the lack of discipline over the price at which members of the syndicate sell bonds .
7 In the standard b -boundary construction , the Riemannian manifold is the bundle of frames over space-time having a positive definite metric induced by the affine connection .
8 A further important issue concerning the relationship between the State scheme , contracted-out final salary schemes and , increasingly , personal pensions , is the terms for contracting-out over the period 1993 to 1998 .
9 The idea is the victory of life over death .
10 ‘ The convulsion of war has opened our eyes to many strange things ’ , he wrote in 1919 , ‘ Few of us had realised till war had exposed it how thin is the veneer of civilisation over the underlying animal proclivities … the failure of religion to direct , and education to balance , the actions of men . ’
11 The most important right is the right of lien over guests ' property .
12 It 's incredible : it 's the triumph of commercialism over culture and our whole history ’ .
13 Heightening this achromatic gloom was the pall of smoke over Verdun most of the time , which turned the light filtering through it to an ashy grey .
14 The second most important power which came with the ownership of the Golden Share was the right of veto over the hiring and firing of the editor .
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