Example sentences of "be taken up [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Trotsky 's analysis of the bureaucracy in the Soviet Union will be taken up again in the following chapter when the issue of the ‘ new class , is considered .
2 It may be taken up directly by a department ; or by a party prior to going into government ; or by a pressure group , whether an ad hoc group , a single interest group or other .
3 These points are taken up again in the second chapter of Kingman , where it is argued that language ‘ expresses identity , enables co-operation , and confers freedom ’ , and that an understanding of language is vital to children 's intellectual , social , personal and aesthetic development .
4 When government stock issues had been taken up predominantly by the triad , there had been little need for anything much in the way of a " market " ; but the change in the structure of debt ownership led inevitably to the emergence of broking and jobbing practices which were to become institutionalised into the Stock Exchange .
5 The far greater challenges — transforming union organisation and government in ways that involve members in actively making their own decisions and implementing them — have been taken up only by a minority of unions , such as NUPE , the TGWU , the Society of Civil and Public Servants and arguably — the Electricians and the Engineers .
6 Many intellectual strands of the Carolingian Renaissance , subsequently dropped , were taken up again in the eleventh and twelfth centuries .
7 Eventually we were taken up out of the cells and charged .
8 Sentence ( 10 ) tells us of a " weakness " of the " heart " , but not until ( 11 ) , where this matter is taken up again in the expression " the poor child was not robust " , do we learn that it provided a reason for the present interview : it was for this reason ( we surmise ) that the Moreens wished to engage a resident tutor .
9 In a ‘ sellers market ’ , similar to that which pertained in the United Kingdom after World War Two , there was little need for promotional activity because demand exceeded supply and whatever was produced was taken up immediately by the market .
10 Following publication of Kimura 's paper the dichotic listening technique was taken up enthusiastically as a means of assessing language laterality in normal subjects .
11 Britain 's traditional supporters fell into line , and Pleven 's blueprint was taken up only by the six states of the ECSC .
12 The court hearing was taken up mainly by the formal reading out of the charges , and brief argument about when the trial should proceed in the Rand Supreme Court in Johannesburg .
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