Example sentences of "the fact that she [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The plaintiff suffered shock and severe gastro-enteritis as a result of the revolting sight and the fact that she had already swallowed some of the ginger beer .
2 The fact that she had n't seen her prospective husband since she was ten was neither here nor there .
3 Pulling out a small pen torch he illuminated Chrissie 's small car , its green paintwork dulled with dust and the fact that she had n't cleaned or waxed it for months .
4 As she stood in the hall , the recollection of the high-pitched voice seemed almost eerie to Mrs Blakey ; so did the fact that she had n't bothered to think about the call-box signal .
5 Aside from the fact that she had n't slept well last night , she was not a ‘ morning person ’ as a rule , and half-past five — even in summer — seemed like the middle of the night .
6 The fact that she had n't seen Guy since made the episode in the Caribbean seem dreamlike — or nightmarish , she amended bitterly .
7 I saw now exactly why , when General Francis 's name came up , Daisy bemoaned the fact that she had not been born twenty years earlier .
8 One of the doctors reckoned that the fact that she had not fought against the attack but handed the outcome over to God could well have saved her life .
9 Despite the fact that she had not registered , there was a sheaf of messages .
10 But it is easy to see that , for example , a young mother who had recently been left by her husband , and gone back to a ( very good ) job , would pile up several different low scores , all linked to the fact that she had just become a single parent .
11 Part of her annoyance was brought about by the fact that she had never met nor heard of Mary Brown but part of it was fuelled by the fact that her son had broken with the faith .
12 Topaz Chilcott walked behind her family , hanging back a little as if to emphasise the fact that she had never really been accepted by it .
13 But what was still troubling her was the fact that she had still not broached the subject of Janice .
14 The fact that she had recently married A E Hook 's senior partner Charles Bullworthy was not a deciding factor , she stresses .
15 To cover the fact that she had far too many feelings altogether , she ignored him for the first part of the morning .
16 Though no amount of apologising was going to excuse the fact that she had deliberately misled them , even given that she had only misled them from the best of motives — so that they should not worry .
17 ‘ Cara Kingsdale , ’ she replied , and , while he ignored the fact that she had yesterday told him that her name was Fabia , she again experienced an uncomfortable feeling at having to lie to him .
18 Despite the fact that she seemed rarely to be in it , the house reflected her taste .
19 Having known her for less than two months , he was not yet confident of any strong hold on her affections , despite the fact that she seemed quite willing to accept his embraces and kisses .
20 Noreen was kept on after the try-out week , but she knew that was only on the strength of Fred , the Stage Manager 's sympathetic report , and for the fact that she got on well with everyone in the company , especially Bernie .
21 He had chosen to ignore the fact that she took out her frustrations on Carla .
22 The fact that she 'd already told the police did n't matter .
23 He was instantly taken by the oozy Frenchness of her and the fact that she looked so much like himself .
24 " That wo n't alter the fact that she went away .
25 ‘ I expect you would be a good judge of that , ’ she snapped , hating the fact that she felt less annoyed at finding him in the room than at the thought of all the other women he was comparing her to .
26 Apart from the fact that she felt extremely foolish , her fears were now actually affecting her life and she felt that soon she would not be able to leave the house at all .
27 Her friends plainly felt sorry for her , a little embarrassed at the fact that she did not have a husband to contribute to the conversation , nor children , nor any of the little ups and downs of family life .
28 The situation has been further complicated by the fact that she did not belong to any structures and therefore did not benefit from the discipline , counseling and collectivity of the Mass Democratic Movement .
29 It had never seemed to occur to anyone else that she might still do so , and part of her self-loathing was due to the fact that she did n't know .
30 Part of the oddness of her appearance , he realized , came from the fact that she did n't look like a woman so much as a rather inept female impersonator .
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