Example sentences of "the more [adj] [conj] it [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 I will tell you my secret belief : that for Gustave , in a way he only half-apprehended , I represented life , and that his rejection of me was the more violent because it provoked in him the deepest shame .
2 Basil was not a great public speaker but what came through was all the more effective because it had not come easily .
3 White-hot rage that was all the more potent because it originated from humiliation , and from the sickening knowledge not only that she was infatuated with him , but also that he had recognised the fact .
4 The regime 's tendency to conservatism was all the more serious because it coincided with huge socio-economic upheavals associated with modernization and the coming to maturity of the postwar baby boom .
5 It was the most successful tour England had ever made , all the more satisfying as it began with them being written off as a bunch of no-hopers .
6 In Lewis the effect of the decline in the inshore fishing industry was all the more dramatic because it looked for a time as if it might be averted .
7 For me , the sound of the bullet striking home and a clean kill , with the animal dropping where it stood , was the climax of the hunt , all the more rewarding if it followed upon days and even weeks of testing and arduous hunting , or a really difficult stalk .
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