Example sentences of "the fact that [pers pn] [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In the second , nervous disorders have no effect on absenteeism , despite the fact that they are caused by poor jobs .
2 Quite apart from the fact that they are bound to be different something approaching 60% of the basic functions will be identical ; loading , saving , printing , editing , type selection , etc .
3 Many teachers try to obscure the fact that they are teaching in a multiracial school .
4 We suggest that , while bicycles may be recognizable by reference to the fact that they are damaged ( as in ( 59 ) ) , we can not easily describe bicycles as belonging to us in the same respect ; nor can we refer to ideas as belonging to you inasmuch as they are " discussed " .
5 Ignore the fact that they are holding you , and hit them first and fast .
6 Is the Minister aware that the Government are cramming more and more university students into the same buildings as a consequence of the fact that they are trying to have people obtain degrees on the cheap ?
7 There is an unresolved tension between the fact that the perceptions of mystics are seen as fundamentally important to the human condition and the fact that they are given to so few .
8 However , the limitations of these data must be borne in mind , especially the fact that they are limited to a single point in time .
9 If we define feminism as the consciousness of women regarding the fact that they are subjugated , exploited etc .
10 I think there is room to generalise so I will do it , even across classes , even bourgeois women who are not conscious of the fact that they are exploited , subjugated etc .
11 They may bear grievances about the fact that they are locked up in prison , perhaps for longer than they feel they deserve or for longer than other offenders whom they regard as comparable .
12 Coun Williams retorted : ‘ The fact that they are looking around for someone to blame is proof they really do n't want to do it . ’
13 Does the fact that they are serving sentences made their lives less valuable ?
14 I shall now endeavour to show that the lack of real happiness manifested by the majority of adults today is due to the fact that they are experiencing , not an improving , but a continually deteriorating use of their psycho-physical selves .
15 Looking at the audience , you may find that only those in the first five rows are alert and interested — the next five rows are straining forward , probably frowning , while the people in the back of the hall have given up and are doing their best to hide the fact that they are nodding off .
16 Consequently , the vast majority of rugs made in Central Asia are collectively referred to as Turkomans , regardless of the fact that they are made by a number of specific tribes ( Beshir , Tekke , Ersari , etc. ) , while individual items may be marketed under either the collective Turkoman heading or the name of the actual weaving tribe .
17 Bit mapped graphics : Certainly the most common , these derive their name from the fact that they are made up from individual dots or pixels , each of which represents one bit of computer memory .
18 However , the Yates decision should not be regarded as authority for the proposition that a collection of individually non-confidential items of information can not be the subject of confidentiality where the confidentiality lies in the fact that they are collected together .
19 For most teachers I have worked with , their particular stress portfolio unfolds unconsciously up to a certain point , after which they become aware of the fact that they are getting seriously stressed and need to take care of themselves .
20 Acts undertaken for another purpose and not in order to consent can constitute consent if undertaken in the belief that they will confer a right or impose a duty and if the fact that they are undertaken with such a belief is the reason for them having this result .
21 And , as Bukharin pointed out , such products — armaments — are non-reproductive , and this combined with the fact that they are paid for out of surplus-value makes them non-productive of further surplus-value .
22 ‘ Their emergence and effectiveness ’ , however , are ‘ tied to the fact that they are making demands .
23 In the work of both painters one becomes increasingly aware of the fact that they are making use of a variable viewpoint .
24 He does not take into consideration the fact that they are killing , or trying to kill an living being .
25 More significant is the fact that they are concentrated in a limited number of types of job .
26 The analysis of such accidents is also bedevilled by the fact that they are scattered widely through residential areas , with few clusters or ‘ black-spots ’ in evidence .
27 The fact that they are performing to a camera instead of just for the teacher or the rest of the class makes the whole thing less artificial .
28 But the police are already complaining about their poor pay and the fact that they are armed only with handguns .
29 Common to them all is the fact that they are acted and are therefore simulations of reality , which may be done with varying degrees of realism or fantasy .
30 And I mean I su everyone has to resign themselves I think to some extent but the fact that they are playing a role within their work situation .
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