Example sentences of "the fact that [prep] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I welcome the fact that as a country we do not drive the unemployed into begging or starving .
2 In the South Wales region it is expected that the annual quantity required from this source will rise from about 2.8 mt to 3.6 mt over the 20 year period , despite the fact that as a proportion of overall consumption it will fall from 15% to 10% .
3 In the South Wales region it is expected that the annual quantity required from this source will rise from about 2.8 mt to 3.6 mt over the 20 year period , despite the fact that as a proportion of overall consumption it will fall from 15% to 10% .
4 Decision : the aggravating features of the offence were the age of the victim ( 61 ) , the fact that as a taxi driver he was vulnerable and an easy target ; the isolated location in which the offence was committed ; the degree of violence and the fact that it continued after the theft had been completed ; the fact that the victim had been left , so far as the offenders were aware , unconscious , and the fact that two men were involved , and an implement may have been used .
5 I 'd like to find out if part of your opposition to grant maintained status is due to the fact that as a councillor you would no longer be able to exercise control over grant maintained schools .
6 My photographic equipment was a bit limited by the fact that as a leader I was required to carry a heavy hunting rifle all the time we were ashore , just in case we met with a polar bear in a nasty mood .
7 The fact that as a teenager she had a series of complicated operations for a badly broken leg does not seem to have affected her at all .
8 Lynda says that she did think long and hard about changing careers — not least about the fact that as a Stoy 's partner she could soon be drawing a six figure profit share , compared to the substantially lower salary she would get at C&R .
9 When the Constituent Assembly was dissolved after the 1917 Revolution , and the Bolsheviks ' Land Decree had stolen the main plank of the Socialist Revolutionaries ' platform , Siberian and Black-Earth peasants alike failed to give any further support to their still loyal party , despite the fact that for a period an SR-dominated Directory prevailed in eastern Russia .
10 The fact that for a lot of the time she was on-guard disturbed him .
11 On the one hand , the antisemitism of ‘ anti-immigrant ’ fascist parties might be seen as an anachronism , arising from the fact that for a number of years such parties were led by a generation who were raised in conditions of widespread antisemitism .
12 Clearly , that is at variance with the TRRL work where , if safety grounds alone do not justify ‘ cost-effective ’ treatment , then no measures would be taken , despite the fact that on a variety of criteria together treatment would most probably be worthwhile .
13 It seems BNFL is doing just that and I also welcome the fact that on a day like this they are letting someone like me make an input , ’ she added .
14 There is one great consolation , however , which is the fact that on a mountain nothing looks stupider than someone on a bike .
15 It currently accounts for some 10 per cent of ozone loss , but this proportion is likely to rise to 16 per cent if present trends continue , despite the fact that at a meeting of Montreal Protocol signatories last November , it was agreed to freeze use at present levels [ see ED 68 ] .
16 The 8100 is the more compelling indicator of what might happen to OS/2 2.0 : IBM spent so much money developing both the hardware and a completely new operating environment and set of compilers and utilities for the thing that it had to recoup its investment , come hell or high water , before it could be killed off , despite the fact that within a couple of years , it became clear that what users wanted as a distributed processor was the machine that eventually appeared — fatally too late — as the 9370 .
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