Example sentences of "the point be [adv] that [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The point is here that he has mentioned in his press release a number of okay local people , and by doing this in this particular way he has greatly increased the possibility and probability of ending up with a piece in the local newspaper .
2 The point is rather that we now have a strong data base from which to operate , and that the technical means are now available which would reveal precisely what our signals do mean ; perhaps to show that there are monsters , perhaps to find , at least beyond reasonable doubt , that their existence is too unlikely to warrant further study .
3 The point is not that we in any way deliberately do down the intelligence of animals — although we do this as well — but that it is hard for us to imagine the workings of forms of intelligence that have evolved to cope with environmental circumstances different from our own .
4 The point is not that everyone needs property to be free ; some people have little or no property but are not necessarily any the less free as a result .
5 In this case it is wrong to speak of the wording of the trust as being free ; the point is instead that it is possible to construe a trust in order to validate a disposition , for their existence or non-existence is not attested purely by the use or non-use of certain forms .
6 The point is only that there are long-term trends and patterns in crime , violence , and disorder .
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