Example sentences of "the [adj -est] [noun sg] [be] [verb] for " in BNC.

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1 The highest price was achieved for lot 6 , a depiction of ‘ Madhya Vipralabhda , the neglected adolescent nayika ’ , from the celebrated Rasmanjari of Bhanu Datta , from Basohli , datable around 1660–70 .
2 The highest price was paid for Otto Dix 's portrait of the Dresden businessman Max Roesberg .
3 It is a basic but rarely articulated feature of the modern economic system that the highest pay is given for the work that is most prestigious and most agreeable .
4 The highest frequency was recorded for women who bore their first child ( nulliparous ) at ages 35–39 ( 14 per cent ) .
5 We have already shown above ( Examples 8 and 9 ) how the highest note is reserved for the peak of emotion within a phrase .
6 If properties let on long leases to tenants of the highest covenant are sold for cashflow or balance sheet enhancement the substance of the group will have been sacrificed for short-term advantage .
7 But the highest status is reserved for those born with ambiguous genitalia .
8 The nearest bank was headed for , and out came their supply of local moonshine .
9 The Bellcrest File is designed for independent study .
10 The biggest ovation was reserved for Mitchell , reading his ‘ Tell us Lies about Vietnam ’ .
11 But the biggest cheer was reserved for old Desert Orchid , who led a parade of former champions and then trounced Grand National hero Mr Frisk in a fun run .
12 The best course is to apply for the relevant certificate at an early stage .
13 obtain at least two quotes to ensure the best price is obtained for the client ;
14 To ensure that the best return is achieved for the taxpayer , it is our normal policy to offer property not needed by the services for sale on the open market .
15 Miss Devenish sipped her tea ; Dougal noticed that her cup was cracked ; the best cup was reserved for visitors .
16 Do we not owe it to community charge payers in each of those areas to ensure that the best value is obtained for their money and that they get the most efficient service ?
17 … whether norm or criterion referenced , the examination entails rank-ordering , even where a range of grades is not in the strictest sense being competed for .
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