Example sentences of "the [num] [noun] [noun sg] on the " in BNC.

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1 A computer programme allows them to plan the food he 'll have to take for the 12 man crew on the Group 4 yacht .
2 One of Scarborough 's leading South Cliff hotels , the 43 bedroom Ambassador on The Esplanade , has been sold in a £600,000 deal .
3 According to the resolution the conference would have , among others , the following aims : to examine the state of the environment and changes which had occurred since the 1972 UN Conference on the Human Environment and since other meetings and agreements such as the 1987 Montreal protocol on the ozone layer [ see pp. 35678 ; 36412 ] ; to " examine strategies for national and international action … to promote a supportive international economic environment that would result in sustained and environmentally sound development in all countries , with a view to combating poverty and improving the quality of life " ; and to promote the " further development of international environmental law " .
4 The current trustees of the Barnes Foundation argue that the 1924 Merion villa on the edge of Philadelphia that housed the collection has become structurally unsafe and poses a threat to the pictures .
5 Over 20 countries party to the 1979 Berne Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats sent representatives to Strasbourg , France , in the second week of January , for a conference on protecting rare wildlife and threatened habitats .
6 Can I say finally Chairman , that I will be instigating a er a request er I shall be requesting I should say perhaps to the director of education that erm the three party spokesman on the management committee and all those officers who will be involved in implementing this decision will get together at the earliest and I 'm citing possibly next week so that we can be on our way to plan the next step forward to a concrete implementation of this particular proposal .
7 The local promoter had evidently not managed to summon the courage to quibble with Jourgensen over the 89 decibel limit on the main stage .
8 At the rally Singh announced the rehabilitation of Sikh soldiers who had deserted after the 1984 Army assault on the Golden Temple and a review of those detained for minor offences .
9 The European Court of Justice has issued a ruling clarifying the 1984 EC Directive on the cross-border shipments of hazardous waste .
10 On Sept. 23 Bush said in his address to the UN General Assembly that the equation of Zionism with racism was " to reject Israel itself " , and that if the UN were to be viewed as a peacemaking body , the 1975 UN resolution on the subject [ see p. 27487 ] should be repealed .
11 Where the transfer between husband and wife is one on sale , the fee is calculated in accordance with Scale A , of the 1992 Fee Order on the amount of the consideration .
12 The 1992 UN conference on the environment could be the right place for an analytical look at what the world needs to do to ensure that it can feed its vulnerable populations in the next country .
13 The government 's position is that the major decisions on countering global warming will have to wait on international agreement at the 1992 UN conference on the environment , which would project them beyond the present government .
14 As host of the 1992 UN Conference on the Environment and Development , he hoped to see the ‘ depoliticization ’ of what he called ( in London , in February 1990 ) the unfolding ‘ ecological drama ’ :
15 When he speaks he is listened to with well-earned respect , particularly in these preparatory years before the 1992 UN conference on the environment which will mark the culmination of his career .
16 The declaration of the reserve followed a long-running campaign by environmental groups , led by Survival International , which had threatened to organize a boycott of the 1992 UN Conference on the Environment and Development ( UNCED ) in Rio de Janeiro in protest at the Brazilian government 's repeated failure to honour promises to recognize Yanomami land rights .
17 3440 City of Truro with the 3.30 passenger service on the South Devon Railway .
18 The 1976 DoE circular on the safeguarding of agricultural land defined the general policy as being ‘ to ensure that , as far as possible , land of a higher agricultural quality is not taken for development where land of a lower quality is available , and that the amount of land taken should be no greater than is reasonably required for carrying out the development in accordance with proper standards ’ .
19 The UN Security Council on April 4 unanimously condemned the " acts of violence at Rafah " and called on Israel to abide by the 1949 Geneva Convention on the protection of civilians in time of war .
20 The 1977 UN Convention on the Prohibition of Military Use of Environmental Modification Techniques prohibits the deliberate manipulation of natural processes as weapons .
21 According to the resolution the conference would have , among others , the following aims : to examine the state of the environment and changes which had occurred since the 1972 UN Conference on the Human Environment and since other meetings and agreements such as the 1987 Montreal protocol on the ozone layer [ see pp. 35678 ; 36412 ] ; to " examine strategies for national and international action … to promote a supportive international economic environment that would result in sustained and environmentally sound development in all countries , with a view to combating poverty and improving the quality of life " ; and to promote the " further development of international environmental law " .
22 In February a workshop was held in Jomtien , Thailand , to discuss implementation of the 1970 Unesco Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import , Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property .
23 The United Kingdom on Dec. 17 ratified the 1989 UN Convention on the Rights of the Child [ see pp. 37054 ; 37732 ] but reserved the right to opt out of some of its provisions .
24 Previously a runner could choose to make the 900 foot ascent on the same direct route as the descent .
25 ‘ My experience at The Dorchester and what I know from the Four Seasons Inn on the Park ( Four Seasons recently acquired the Regent Group ) , shows me that there is a market which appreciates the best service and is prepared to pay £200 a night and more for it . ’
26 We could n't see the slightest movement in the fog , but gradually the noise of the engines diminished and died away , and the collective sigh of relief from the top of Flying Control must have had some part in the clearance of the fog , as by the time all four aircraft returned ( bomb-less ) we could actually see the 1,000 yard marker on the other side of the field .
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