Example sentences of "the [det] [adj] [noun] [conj] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 The o one thing that w we have to have in mind though is that the this particular criminal that we are does n't want to get caught .
2 Still if you already have a spreadsheet machine adding a coprocessor is one of the few easy things that you can do to speed it up .
3 They can not then use that small amount for the few personal items that they may want to buy when they are in residential homes .
4 He has planted himself and his small company betimes ; indeed , apart from the few native people as I say , there is no one here to give us hindrance in our enterprise .
5 Our human digestive system has a struggle with such things as alcohol , but we are resilient and are rather good at detoxifying the many dubious substances that we inflict on our long-suffering internal organs .
6 If your ability to gain the skills and information needed to combat the many complex issues that you have to deal with is impaired , then the government and employers will have what they want .
7 He will himself present new data on the cohort of doctors he has been studying for the past 40 years , while his colleagues will review current knowledge on some of the many other topics that he has studied — including the effects on health of oral contraceptives , the parts played by radiation and by asbestos in various cancers , and patterns and trends in mortality .
8 At this , and most of the many other meetings that he and I have had with African leaders , progress towards democracy and good governance has been discussed .
9 The Law Commission has now proposed the abolition of the marital-rape exemption , bringing English law into accord with the many other jurisdictions where it does constitute rape for a husband to have non-consensual sexual intercourse with his wife .
10 Erm , well I I could n't speak for the latter two programmes cos I do n't know enough about the arrangements there but I have got a a fair amount of knowledge on both tornado and Eurofighter .
11 Before we start this morning I 'd just like to make one brief announcement er one of my colleagues has asked me to announce er a lecture to be given on Thursday at five fifteen , that is er directly after the second systems lecture of the week , erm on the title of the transition from totalitarianism to democracy , changes , challenges and opportunities in the former Soviet Union and it will be given by the Baroness of Queensbury erm and that 's er at fife fifteen , one four one in this er in this building .
12 Western governments and companies are spending twice as much money on expanding nuclear power in the former Soviet bloc as they are on improving the safety of existing reactors , according to a study by Friends of the Earth .
13 The Security Council vote on Croatia , a unanimous 15-0 , came after a lengthy debate in which Russia called for sanctions against the former Yugoslav republic if it failed to honour a peace agreement signed a year ago .
14 He sees little difference between acting on stage and screen : ‘ It seems to be the same internal life that you try to discover in a character and the way you go about it is the same .
15 But he added : ‘ It is not evident that most of our partners often perceive us in the same constructive light as we see ourselves . ’
16 Right , what I want you to do , and we 've used the same two teams as we , we 've used last time .
17 On the contrary , the child imagines that only unworthy female persons have thus sacrificed their genital organ , such persons as have probably been guilty of the same forbidden impulses as he himself .
18 There is no evidence to suggest that such orientation has the same religious significance as they did for Teotihuacan .
19 She had an exhaustive knowledge of Sunday Schools and it was depressing to find him full of the same bogus affability that she detected on every Sabbath of the year .
20 He wore the same khaki overalls as we all did , but he had a major 's crown on each shoulder .
21 Unlike most doctors , he saw it , not as the final enemy , but as a fascinating enigma , each cadaver , which he would gaze at with the same intent look as he must once have fixed on his living patients , a new piece of evidence which might , if rightly interpreted , bring him closer to its central mystery .
22 She treated his body with the same gentle reverence as he had used : her soft capable hands caressing him as she massaged the oil into his skin .
23 He can watch his Spanish league champions in the same dispassionate way that he would watch a Bulgarian second division match .
24 Gurney 's poems celebrate his love of the Gloucestershire countryside with the same unsentimental vigour as they report on the realities of trench warfare and chart his gradual descent into madness .
25 You messed up their surveillance , you beat up their agents , you went in for exactly the same unauthorised adventurism as they had — and so let them off the hook .
26 Dandelion took up his cue with the same plucky readiness that he had shown in the wood .
27 The same glorious sensation as she had felt that instant when , poised on the highest diving-board , she had known that this time she really did dare , that moment of poise and thrill before the free-fall .
28 No doubt the Substitute read the newspapers at the same breakneck speed as he did everything else .
29 They do n't crave the same bodily comforts as we do .
30 The children gave the same simple obedience as they had given to the men with the megaphones . ’
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