Example sentences of "the [noun pl] who [verb] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You mean , as in ‘ it was n't a lone lunatic who killed Kennedy but the Mafia working in collusion with the Russians who had a deal with the FBI ’ — that kind of conspiracy ? ’
2 It 's not just the Paddies who like a fight , she thought bitterly .
3 The performance , which was a great success , was staged at Stirling university 's Airthrey Castle — a fitting venue for the musicians who have a passion for historical music .
4 He called to one of the lads who opened a box door .
5 Boswell is the one who tells us the legend of the seahorse from the lakes who devoured a man 's daughter , and was eventually trapped by the lure of a sow on a spit ; from Boswell we learn that of the hundred-strong little army the Laird of Raasay mustered , eighty-six came back from Culloden ; Boswell chronicles the ash and plane trees , the limestone rocks , the caves and their stalactites , the black cattle , the plover , the pigeons and blackcock , the rainfall , nine months in a year , the juniper , the peat , the belief in the existence of a gold mine , and the women wawking or waulking the tweed , a tedious operation where the tweed is rubbed over and through water in order to shrink and thicken it ( in the outer Hebrides they add their own urine to the vat , although Bozzie missed that one ) , and the women sang a worksong to accompany the rhythmic labour , and did not succeed in drowning out Johnson 's deep voice as he asked them questions .
6 Smart had always attracted friends , and they served him well now , securing him the necessary recommendation to St Luke 's by a bookseller , perhaps a connection of Newbery 's , who had become a banker , probably one of the bankers who formed a majority of the Governors of St Luke 's .
7 There were at the time parallel proceedings against the mortgagees to preserve the plaintiff 's priority rights against the property by virtue of the caution entered at the Land Registry , and it was the mortgagees who requested an adjournment from 6 June 1991 to a later date .
8 Wayans is Johnny Stewart , a Chicago wide boy from the wrong side of the tracks who ekes a living by executing scams on unsuspecting white folks with his hyper-active bro Seymour , one Marlon Wayans .
9 We have no wish to ruin the stationers who make a profit in this way but , if you are studying and making notes correctly , you will need vast quantities of paper , which you clearly can not afford to buy in this costly fashion .
10 Christien plays Roger Vandervent , the teenage son of one of the families who has a crush on his father 's mistress .
11 And it is not just the customers who have a lot on their plate here , the scope for experienced catering people with an HCIMA qualification is enormous , with real responsibility early on , rewards to match , and genuine opportunities to consolidate your management skills and progress at a startling pace .
12 One widow and four unmarried people were sharing the little house , and still they had to find room for the customers who wanted an ounce of tobacco or a portion of snuff .
13 I moved out among the Nell Gwynnes with cast-iron facials and the Redcoats who rode a Jaguar unafraid .
14 Surprisingly , it was the Nazis who made a gift of this public park to Prague .
15 The passengers who use an airport will think it too barren of temperament to have anything so interesting as an atmosphere , but for the people who work there its moods are as mutable and contagious as any other place 's .
16 The villagers who owned a cow made arrangements with those that did not .
17 She first visited in March last year with her mother thanks to the villagers who started an appeal when they heard about the serious burns Elena suffered in a domestic accident .
18 Far more important , roughly 94 per cent of the players who express an opinion on the amateurism question demand action and clarification on the whole issue .
19 It 's not only the players who want a piece of the action .
20 For the ladies who fancy a break from cows , the Expo Ladies Committee has a specially organised programme of sightseeing and shopping .
21 First movers , then , are not always the entrepreneurs who invent a product ; but they will be the first to build an organisation which can fully exploit its economies of scale and scope .
22 Fine Gael is anything but left-wing : its roots can be traced back to General Duffy and the Blueshirts who sent a division of soldiers from Ireland to fight for Franco in the Spanish Civil War .
23 Except to some extent in the Habsburg territories , the men who gained a knowledge of them were destined to remain translators , interpreters or at most consuls , auxiliaries rather than actors at the centre of the diplomatic stage .
24 I am often bemused by the men who criticize a woman 's shape when they are quite clearly looking down on their own unsightly ‘ pregnant'-looking stomachs .
25 Yet , given the opportunity and some imaginative presentation , the urban population has shown that it is capable of responding , judging by the numbers who take an interest at county shows or who turn up at the pitifully few farms which organize public open days .
26 The only possibility of further promotion was to ( proof- ) reader , a step taken by some of the women who spent a lifetime in the trade .
27 If they so desperately want a child why should n't they for one occasion , if they are lesbian or whatever , use a man for that occasion and let the women who have a family , and who want a child and ca n't have them use this IV programme which is marvellous !
28 The goddesses who support a myriad of lives , such as the many-breasted Artemis .
29 The barristers who make a lot of money are those who are not dependent on fees allowed by the State — for example , those who practise in the fields of commerce , industry , insurance and banking .
30 It was a frontier to the northeast for the Romans who had a camp here , Castra Bonnensia , where they suffered a defeat at the hands of the German tribes in AD 70 .
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