Example sentences of "the [noun pl] are [verb] in the " in BNC.

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1 When the accounts are prepared in the new year the publishing cost per kindred associations will be negligible .
2 The hallucinations move independently of the eyes , suggesting that the patterns are generated in the visual cortex of the brain rather than on the retina .
3 Find out how the patterns are used in the Braille Alphabet .
4 The conflicts are reflected in the personal lives of three families , Christian , Muslim and Jewish with parents and children in different parts of the world , whose destinies become entwined against a backdrop of ecclesiastical ambition .
5 Wyse Technology found itself a technology playmate in Siemens Nixdorf , having forged a pact some months ago that they 're just getting around to telling us about : Wyse is selling SNI its Intel Corp-based symmetric multi-processing designs and subsystems which the Germans are using in the MX500 superserver line released in Europe and the Far East late last year .
6 I think of him sometimes , as the birds are singing in the hedges and the rising sun glints in the windows of houses across the bay .
7 There will be a competition , which is the best way forward to ensure that the plans are implemented in the most effective way .
8 Leapor 's objections to the plans are recorded in the last section of ‘ Crumble Hall ’ [ see ML , 2 , 121–122 ] .
9 The projects are illustrated in the accompanying catalogue .
10 The proposals are contained in the DTI Green Paper , Abuse of Market Power , which considers the case for legislative change to prevent abuse of market power by individual companies and partnerships through anti-competitive or exploitative behaviour .
11 To make matters worse , all the inventions are hidden in the various objects scattered around the cave system , so you 'll need all your wits about you if you 're to do it .
12 If , as you 're monitoring the work , you think that all the groups are engaged in the tasks and working well , you can give them a little longer .
13 The groups are identified in the list of degree course requirements .
14 The puddings are unpacked in the morning , driven over to the hospital kitchens for steaming and collected in time for dinner .
15 The rules are rooted in the particularities of human biology , and they affect the way culture is formed .
16 But the strength of the operations are reflected in the quarterly breakdown of income from E&P which rose from £414 million at the start of 1992 to £515 million in the final quarter .
17 Compared to the experience of hearing music ‘ live ’ even under unfavourable circumstances there is often very little sense that the musicians are pulling in the same direction , or that the music ebbs and flows in a natural , organic or above all believable way .
18 So it 's not a shortage of specialists , it 's a shortage of the erm importance both L E A's and schools give to the subject and make sure that the specialisms are used in the right place .
19 Consequently the eyes are based in the centre of the composition .
20 The rods are carved in the form of a series of gargoyle faces and grotesques , but are harmless .
21 Generally the spinelets are situated peripherally extending onto the ventral interradial areas whereas the rods are found in the middle of the disk .
22 The purples are echoed in the colour wash on the wall and the oranges are picked up in the flowers .
23 Most of the cars are based in the US , where there is a thriving fan club , and others can also be found in Australia and throughout Europe .
24 I was really chuffed because normally with those the fans are ducking in the Shed when I hit them .
25 The shops are concentrated in the centre , which means that many local inhabitants live nearby .
26 The kids are born in the next year with the coming of spring and summer , so that they can take full advantage of the brief period when food is relatively plentiful .
27 The kids are allowed in the club .
28 Once they have been manufactured , the sperms are stored in the epididymis , which is a coiled tube attached to the side of the testis .
29 Yet the parties are rooted in the community .
30 If the sessions are done in the home , family or friends will be asked to be reasonably quiet , and not to turn the radio or television up , or have noisy conversations .
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