Example sentences of "the [noun pl] of [noun] where the " in BNC.

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1 The woods of Lothlorien where the Elves dwelt was a wonderful place but now it will wither .
2 Officers have been combing scrubland and bracken on the outskirts of Bicester where the revolver was found , looking for other weapons , baseball bats used in the attack .
3 Can I just put to you there that the pensions regulator may be able to handle aspects like audit reports and established well established documentation and procedures , but are you not really suggesting erm that in the circumstances of Maxwell where the Committee saw for example a transaction that actually had thirty different transactions and therefore unless one looked at the overview of those thirty transactions , one could n't realise that the bank effectively was involved in a fraud .
4 But it 's outside the armed forces and in the factories of Gloucestershire where the defence reductions have cut most deeply ; contractors like Dowty and Smiths industries have shed thousands of jobs .
5 Sea pinks cling to the lichen-covered rocks and huge beech trees , carved into oblique shapes by the wind , stand defiantly along the length of the bay and , to the south , on the slopes of Greenanmore where the kings of Dalriada had their summer residence .
6 For example the German scholar who wrote a monumental life of Philip Augustus in six volumes and , in the process , came to study Richard 's career with great thoroughness , believed that " he had abandoned himself entirely to the pleasures of Messina where the women seemed very seductive to warriors from the North " .
7 The Government — Mr John Patten — having learnt through the courts that teachers have the right to refuse to set the prescribed tests , now threatens to cut the headteacher 's salary and to take legal action against the governors of schools where the tests are not set .
8 A number of English and Commonwealth decisions have recognised a duty ( owed to the company ) to take account of the interests of creditors where the company is insolvent or on the verge of insolvency .
9 The frentic merger activity among the nation 's accountants ( or not , as the case may be ) has spread to the wilds of Yorkshire where the tiny firm of Rawlinsons is linking with the equally tiny Milne Booth .
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