Example sentences of "the [noun pl] of [noun sg] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ( Let's face it , when was the last time you heard references to ‘ Cliff Richard 's lip ’ , Iggy Pop and the annual ceremony marking the opening of the Houses of Parliament side-by-side in a song ? ) ; indecision and apathy are confronted in ‘ Not Superstitious ’ ; ‘ Dead Industrial Atmosphere ’ details the decline of the North-East as an economic force and the subsequent social fall-out and , of course , we get a few long songs thrown in to spice things up , or down , as is more often than not the case .
2 They took the briefs and carried the tablets of stone back to their Branches , where this particular Manager gave out hell at the futility of it all .
3 Section 45(7) allows the court to waive the rules of evidence generally in any application for , or relating to , an emergency protection order ( s45(7) ) .
4 Mick Feeney , a Barlinnie delegate , seconding the motion , said : ‘ The unit was of great benefit to the service because we could get the ringleaders of trouble out of the system for a while .
5 ‘ It 's much better than ringing the bad one and bringing all the torments of Hell down on yourself for nothing . ’
6 A sheet of rain had come down then , a hard , gusty shower , while they were laying the squares of turf back in place , and Adam had said something about the rain making the grass grow quickly , the rain being on their side .
7 One former Edinburgh male compositor who worked at Constable 's told me in a letter that " we as apprentices … used to help the ladies by lifting the formes of type on to the stones , so as they could do corrections , and lift them down " It could in fact have perfectly well been done by a strong woman or by two women cooperating , and in any case took very little time .
8 The periods of time out in the open meadow ,
9 After finishing his grub he took out a big spanner and proceeded to check the bolts on his plough , he also knocked off the clods of earth in between the blades .
10 What is know of Gordon Thomas — all to little — makes this unlikely since he was an ambitious man with a strong personality who would certainly have been aware of the advantages of publicity both for himself and the lift .
11 Boss Richard Holland , who calls the tune at Boosey , say that the group traditionally feels the effects of recession late in the cycle .
12 Control can approximate the effects of leadership only with people who are highly trained , docile and energetic all at the same time .
13 To be sure , the Linguistic Society of Paris in 1860 banned publication of the theorising about the origins of language then in vogue .
14 But attribution could only be meaningful if trade union representatives on company boards everywhere and always accepted wholeheartedly the duties of ownership along with the rights , so changing the role of the unions fundamentally and abandoning any pretence to industrial democracy .
15 Or , and this is the near-certain probability , constrained by their accountability to the membership , the trade union representatives would not accept the duties of ownership along with the rights , could not ‘ change sides ’ .
16 He took the tins of food through to the lean-to and piled them up on the draining board .
17 I think members should bear in mind the costs of caving in to French blackmail .
18 If he had his way , and we signed up for the social chapter , those extra costs would have to be met out of those pay packets and there 'd be even less for people to take in wages so the honourable gentleman should n't be complaining about low pay when he wants to add to the costs of employment along with the rest of his party .
19 Once again the cries of innocence along with that other famous propaganda weapon ‘ shoot to kill ’ were heard .
20 Standard started looking at the possibilities of EAP back in 1990 when the financial industry was going through a period of great change .
21 Lying in bed at dawn on Tuesday morning at Swans ' Meadow , she felt the stirrings of grief more as a physical process than a mental one .
22 Other views look outwards : they are concerned with helping the child with the needs of language elsewhere in the curriculum , or in the outside world of work .
23 It distinguishes the classes of society not by reference to the contrasted roles of employer and employee , but rather by reference to their usefulness .
24 The X-ray showed clean breaks on both sides of my ankle , as if someone had miraculously scythed the pieces of bone off with a knife .
25 Still maintaining the shape , sandwich all the pieces of cake together with some of the buttercream and raspberry jam .
26 Consequently , these provisions will make a valuable contribution to the control of obnoxious odours arising from the discharge of noxious effluents into streams , rivers and other water courses and will strengthen the codes of practice already in existence in relation to spreading sewage sludge on land .
27 It always was a surprise , the pure majesty of the scene approaching the Alps , more especially in moonlight ; it seemed odd to me , whilst devouring this special panorama that in a short time we would be raining all the horrors of war down on people not seriously willing to fight .
28 The depression spread across class lines : bank clerks , graduates from the universities , teachers and other members of the middle class faced the horrors of unemployment along with the industrial worker and the farm labourer .
29 The protection of that model , and the benefits of legal charisma to individual clients , is the justifica-tion for the claims to power and privilege — power to determine the conditions of practice independently of the state and privilege in state protection for the monopolistic economic basis of that practice .
30 This is achieved by gently lowering the slide at an angle , into the water , when the surface tension will pull the discs of plastic away from the slide .
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