Example sentences of "the [noun pl] [vb past] out [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Back in Chalk Farm the crowds stumbled out into the dawn , past the shuttered Greek restaurants , the nearest thing to a chic London ice cream parlour , Marine Ices , the junk shops and cafes .
2 When the birds spewed out of the darkness the flower-seller flapped her great shawl like a matador to ward them off ; they broke formation , circling the massive clock stopped at ten to ten , floundering upwards towards the whirling sky framed in the shards of glass set in the iron ribs of the shattered roof .
3 All these data will help to inform the stage of development into which the records-of-achievement movement is now moving , namely that of nationalization following the proposals laid out in the 1984 policy statement .
4 In the late eighteenth century the visionary French mathematical astronomer , the Marquis de Laplace , added some detail to Kant 's vision by proposing that the planets emerged out of the rings of cosmic dust flung off by centrifugal force from the densest part of the cloud that was to become the Sun .
5 So actually the policies disappeared out of the campaign as well ?
6 The bells rang out for the first time just a day after they arrived back at the church .
7 When a governmental official in a Third World country recommends ( under the influence of a bribe ) that his country purchase the more expensive but less adequate of two types of aircraft , then the extra millions of dollars will be found from the taxes sweated out of the country 's impoverished citizens .
8 Despite the opportunities opened out from the late eighteenth century by an expanding grain trade , a marked increase in the land available , and a steady rise in labour and money dues extracted from the peasantry , the nobility found it difficult to make ends meet .
9 It turns out that our animal was able to see in almost every direction — upwards , downwards , sideways and forwards , and even backwards , because the eyes bulged out beyond the line of the rest of the body .
10 The eyes gazed out from the screen .
11 However the applied section was of a lower standard than other categories , and the winners stood out above the rest
12 Initially he saw only one of the hideous creatures , but more of the demons appeared out of the darkness , loping into the alley .
13 And the words issued out on the wings of a wail .
14 Staring through the streaming window , Nell gritted her teeth every time the bows pushed out over the top of a big wave , only to hang in space before dropping away into the sixty-odd feet of the following trough that seemed to her a mile deep .
15 But today the real sea looked wonderful , silken , with a gentle running glitter where the tide moved , and here and there the tilt and flash of white wings in the sunlight as the gulls sailed out from the cliffs .
16 In Sutton , the wires came out into the High Street and ran a short distance to the right to run round a small green at Bushey Road .
17 In December of each of the years set out in the hon. Gentleman 's question , the figures are 97,800 , 79,900 , 64,100 , 72,900 and 95,600 respectively for male unemployed .
18 It was nearly midday when the worshippers came out of the Emmanuel Chapel after the prayer meeting .
19 The pups slithered out onto the weedy boulders , not forty feet from the cottage window , and waited expectantly until she reappeared carrying a sizeable fish , which the two of them ate together , wrestling over it among the sea-tangle .
20 There was a long silence broken only by the ticking of the grandfather clock and the sighs and movements of the dogs stretched out on the floor .
21 The mourners came out into the frost and mist of the January morning as the last traffic-jams of the rush-hour began to clear .
22 Over the following five years , in a textbook case of the value of basic research , the microprocessor programmers learned to adapt the ideas worked out by the academic researchers , and in doing so created a new , if quite small , industry .
23 As we climbed over the town , Rupert Bear turned to wave a greeting … and the rest of the balloons stretched out across the sky …
24 The insects fell out of the air .
25 Erm and on a Friday all the beds went out onto the grass outside the wards for the wards to be cleaned
26 The punishments dealt out to the Morant Bay rioters were so hideous — it was reported , for example , that women were lashed on their naked buttocks , sometimes with piano wire — as to shock even lusty sexual flagellants such as Swinburne .
27 The teams ran out on the pitch to a half-hearted roar and began to boot practice balls around the goal-mouths .
28 The hounds crashed out of the far side of the covert and swung away from Artemis and her father uphill .
29 The lights went out during the two world wars and the austerity years which followed , so although this year is actually the 80th anniversary , it 's only the 60th display .
30 When they were switched on the lights flooded out across the bare , flat expanse of moorland just beyond the perimeter of their property .
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