Example sentences of "the [noun pl] [v-ing] in [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But this conclusion would be quite misleading , since the pattern described is typical of all British sites and is a reflection of the coins circulating in Britain throughout its occupation by the Romans ( fig. 25 ) .
2 In the Machilidae the gonangulum has not evolved , so that the appendages of the genital segments are rather similar to those of the pregenital region of the abdomen , with the gonapophyses corresponding in position to the eversible vesicles ( see p. 435 ) .
3 The orchards yielded plums , pears and apples ; bees occupying the hives set amongst the trees produced honey with the extra aid of the herbs flowering in beds along the walls ; and above all careful gardening provided a wealth of vegetables unknown to the herb growers of previous centuries .
4 They stood around on the branches staring in wonder at the sight of this small human preparing to take off on Swan .
5 ‘ Look up at those cliffs now , ’ he murmured , pointing a casual finger towards the towering limestone rocks on their right , with the waves breaking in plumes of white spray at their base .
6 That , too , had been expressing its displeasure with rhythmic twitching of its powerful tail , its burning eyes fixed balefully on the visitors walking in front of its enclosure .
7 Spike 's one eye tried to focus on the movements occurring in front of him .
8 The object of the present discussion has been to point out some of those characteristics and examine some of the questions arising in relation to interpretation .
9 There can be no doubt , however , from the force and weight of the submissions made to us that there is a considerable body of informed opinion which supports the recommendation of the Crowther Committee and believes that the problems arising in relation to the impact of reservation of title clauses on insolvency are only part of more extensive problems deriving from the unsatisfactory laws concerning security interests in personal property .
10 This article examines some of the issues arising in connection with the drafting and interpretation of European Community legal texts in the widest sense .
11 But the numbers deciding in favour of contraception are far fewer than might be predicted from a simple comparison of relative death risks .
12 The headteacher who organises a school on ‘ traditional ’ lines , the children sitting in rows of desks , following a school day which is divided into periods in each of which teachers deliver packets of information , can argue that his or her educational programme is appropriate .
13 We had shrimps for tea , watercress , celery stacked in a glass jug , fishpaste sandwiches , flan made from the blackberries hanging in thickets over the back garden fence from the wild common beyond .
14 Even the weather 's become a bloody coalition , George grumbled to himself as he watched the politicians edging in front of the TV cameras and the civil servants edging away .
15 Cells multiply by dividing and this usually requires cell growth , the cells doubling in size before dividing in two .
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