Example sentences of "the [noun pl] [pron] [adv] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 You always see the foxes I never see them .
2 It had puzzled me originally , but after a quick word with Glyn as you came into the offices I now see he wants to pressurise you into following his wishes and signing the house over . ’
3 Although , to the casual observer , the terraces may seem unremarkable slabs of tiered concrete , certain areas within them are sacrosanct to the fans who habitually occupy them .
4 Terris does not seem to mind the electricians who undoubtedly disturb him on his preserve .
5 I denounced the judges who only gave him two ( out of ten ) for his best wave , but he said , ‘ It was fair .
6 But the blacks they just let them go .
7 An alleged disadvantage of alliances is that they lock states to each other even after the circumstances which initially produced them have been fundamentally altered .
8 Police were forced to set him free with a warning — back to the parents who yesterday admitted he was out of control and said they wanted to see him prosecuted .
9 In a process that gathered momentum in the late nineteenth century , most of the free-standing sculptures were detached from the monuments which once housed them .
10 Sarah carried it carefully , but when she entered the dining room and glanced across at the guests she almost dropped it .
11 I think it was the wonderful sense of rhythm of the mothers of Sidcup and the intense pleasure which radiated from their eyes during the classes which finally captivated me ’ ; subsequent generations of Medau teachers have shared these feelings about their own classes .
12 And one of the things which always disturbs me most about Russell is his emphasis upon pity , what moves him so is the emotion of pity for other people .
13 Or is it a long-term thing , something which will lead to the things you just said you wanted : the wife , the kids , the home ? ’
14 Now , write down the things you definitely know you do not like to do for exercise .
15 Day and night toxic waste pours out of the factories straight into the sea , poisoning the waters which once provided them with a living as independent fishermen .
16 Corbett sat muttering to himself , going over the questions which still vexed him .
17 The officer(s) who actually cautioned her may be required to prove such caution(s) to the court .
18 The double basses have but one note to play , but we venture to think it an effective one ; the dry thud of this high pizzicato note would appear to liberate the rush of the strings which immediately follows it .
19 Some of us constantly tell stories where we depict ourselves as having the qualities we secretly think we lack or that others need reminding of .
20 At the same time , however , discussion tended to be dominated by certain sets of people ; by academics , by Americans , by mathematicians and scientists , by people with little experience of younger children or of the teachers who normally guide them , by scholars whose passionate concern for their own disciplines and the elegance of thought within them may have outweighed their concern for the school curriculum and the balanced development of school children .
21 I seem to have mislaid all the friends who once called me Nigel .
22 They still build their houses in the arc-like forms , they say , of the ships which once brought them , and their funeral rites , which for their nobility are unequalled for extravagance , are intended to launch the souls of the dead back to the stars of their origins .
23 And on the buses you sometimes see it .
24 Neither was Noel Coward , and , despite the multitude of other differences between us , that shared fact persists and continues to inform , shape and intensify my love of Brief Encounter and the tears it always makes me shed .
25 They were they were asking for them to make more slates for for less money and they were n't prepared to sit down and really talk it through with the men they just treated you know they just had this awful attitude
26 One of the men who most attracts him , Mubarak , is also one whose sexuality is most self-conscious , withdrawn , and complicated ; Mubarak 's masculinity is itself strung out across difference : he is a Sudanese African in Asia , and fighting for a people whom he does not understand and who regard him with a racist indifference ( pp. 194 — 5 ) ; he speaks perfect French , but with a Parisian urban working-class accent .
27 Alone of all the men who now surrounded him , Tobie carried the knowledge that the son of Katelina van Borselen belonged to Nicholas .
28 The men who now promoted it would have found something new to replace it .
29 John White , who writes both as a psychiatrist and as a father , comments in Parents in Pain , ‘ I do not know what destiny whether small or great God plans for the children who most concern you .
30 There are excellent golf courses the length and breadth of our country and to help you find the ones which best suit you , we provide this simple golfer 's guide .
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