Example sentences of "the [noun pl] [verb] [to-vb] [adv prt] the " in BNC.

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1 By now the fire was crackling merrily , the flames beginning to soar up the chimney and cast brightness on the walls .
2 In their private lives , many of the repealers sought to live out the ideal of companionate marriage .
3 From about 1983 the courts started to rein back the development they had unleashed .
4 The authorities sought to break down the mystique surrounding him , and to present him as a common criminal , parading him before 300 journalists on Sept. 24 in an iron cage erected on the patio of the Lima police headquarters .
5 The defendants applied to strike out the statement of claim of the local authority on a preliminary issue on the grounds that the authority could not maintain an action in libel for words which reflected on it in relation to its governmental and administrative functions and that the statement of claim disclosed no cause of action .
6 The Reptilons plan to take over the Earth , and the bimbos are up for nasty experimental surgery .
7 The staff will stay on until the parents arrive to pick up the children .
8 In the capital , Caracas , the rebels tried to take over the government palace and the presidential residence , La Carlota airport , the Ministry of Defence , Navy and National Guard buildings and the national television station .
9 On top of this , I then crayoned very gently the colours required to build up the facial structure .
10 But what of the farmers expected to carry out the work in a time of recession .
11 The policy U-turn has been welcomed by local authorities , who claimed they did not have the resources needed to draw up the registers , and by building and property groups .
12 Readers of The National Trust Magazine will know from the annual summary of the Trust 's financial position how much more difficult it is becoming to find the resources required to carry out the Trust 's broad conservation responsibilities .
13 The first two define the person and then his behaviour but the third defines action , first , and then the qualities needed to carry out the function of truce-making .
14 If there was anything like a Foreign Legion story , or something like Hitchcock 's Lifeboat , when the characters had to ration out the water , you 'd slowly turn up the heat .
15 Meanwhile the villagers crowded to peer down the open manhole as though it were an interesting accident .
16 The car went racing on while the friends tried to tidy up the mess .
17 Now the players have to pick up the pieces . ’
18 Despite all these considerations , Tito 's intransigence left Alexander with no option — as Harold Macmillan , present at the conference , later put it in his diary — but to give " instruction to the planners for a full appreciation of the forces required to throw out the Yugoslavs " , while referring the matter to " his two Governments " .
19 Ann adds : ‘ Even if we lose the appeal and the girls have to see out the full term in prison , I shall still be campaigning to prove their innocence long after they have been released .
20 But the assumption , doubtful in itself , that in a Co-operative Community the distinction would have had no meaning does not explain why , when in the real world of Rochdale in the 1850s the distinction became apparent to them the Pioneers chose to set up the production arm as a separate society .
21 As the bulldozers continue to gather up the money , will NIRVANA survive the madness of mega-success ?
22 When it was so cold in the winding shed at the mines that the men begged to go down the pit to get warm .
23 One hundred and seventy-five people is the best estimate that the senior chief inspector and I could produce between us of the numbers required to carry out the functions of the new independent HMI .
24 My figures were the best estimates that the senior chief inspector and I could make of the numbers required to carry out the policy that I have laid before the House .
25 The figure that the hon. Gentleman is quoting from the newspaper article bears no relation to the figures that I used , which constituted the best estimate that the senior chief inspector and I could give of the numbers required to carry out the policy .
26 A spokesman said ‘ The children tried to put out the fire but to no avail .
27 The students have to pick up the threads of the conversation , to make sense of it , and to make a contribution — if they wish — in their own way .
28 Then unfortunately for me , the nurses forgot to top up the epidural injection and the pain killer started to wear off .
29 He went nuts — he went crackers , got the cane , and he was wielding it , and it was at that time that the rest of the boys decided to pile up the furniture in the corner and set fire to it , so half the classroom was burning .
30 In each case the pack included the tools needed to carry out the job ; in the case of the paint , a paintbrush and a mug for brewing up and in the case of the shampoo a hair brush and comb set and a towel .
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