Example sentences of "the [noun pl] [verb] [noun sg] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 If the authorities raise interest rates to r 2 , there will be a disequilibrium .
2 Some of the former private enterprise managers ( notably E. H. E. Woodward on the Central Authority and Harry Randall at the London Board ) had seen from the beginning that proper decentralisation required that the Boards relate capital expenditure to revenue-earning potential in order to retain direct control of their financial viability ; and outside commentators were sometimes surprised that the Boards ' decisions on capital expenditure to meet statutory obligations were made quite separately from the revenue estimates which determined their profitability .
3 After a decade of severe staffing pressures it has been possible to achieve the objective of currency only by accepting reductions in the standard of the catalogue information provided to readers ( for example , the Library does not have the resources to supply subject information to reduced records acquired from the British Library ) , and by continuing not to assign much-needed additional staff resources for the essential work of the proper management of aspects of the Online Catalogue ( for example , authority control ) , in order to make consultation of the Catalogue easier for
4 By 1985 — 6 , the numbers claiming rent rebates had increased to 4 million , the numbers claiming rent allowances to 1.2 million , and the number of householders claiming rate rebates to 7.3 million .
5 The excavators assigned Period V to the late fourth and fifth centuries , though how long the tradition continued remains uncertain .
6 Most of the unions pay lip service to equal rights and racial equality for black members .
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