Example sentences of "the [adj] [noun pl] [adj] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 The subtle flaws inherent in any equation of equivalent terms becomes a generative device .
2 But the political objectives implicit in these two versions of humanity are diametrically opposed : liberal individualism on the one hand ; socialist solidarity on the other .
3 Furthermore , although ‘ planned ’ convergence arising out of favourable political conditions in individual countries can not be excluded as a possibility , the economic costs inherent in any such operation are likely to be increased considerably in Latin America because of the formidable physical barriers to communications and trade with the Soviet Union .
4 Will the Regional Officers responsible for all these collections , please contact the Congress Office to make the appropriate arrangements .
5 Erm now he talks about the vanguards of revolutions i it 's just his distinction between the types of of peasant erm he looks at the rich peasants first of all and originally they 're , they 're not into revolution at all , you know , they do n't want to join peasant associations because they 've got nothing to gain erm as er er had said before , you know , p if you ask a rich peasant to join he 's gon na say well , you know , I 've never heard of such a thing before , you know , I 've , I can manage to live alright , I advise you to gi er give it up or alternatively he may just say , you know , good God no , you know , it 's too dangerous I , I do n't want to be knocked off by my landlord .
6 In the case of solicitors , as well as the usual provisions common to most businesses , specific restrictions may , for example , be desired : ( 1 ) in relation to the operation of bank accounts ( more particularly drawings and transfers from client and trust accounts ) ; ( 2 ) to prohibit a partner from carrying on investment business at any time when the firm has not applied for and obtained an Investment Business certificate from the Law Society ; and ( 3 ) in relation to professional undertakings made in the name of the firm , perhaps by requiring the consent of another partner ( if not all partners ) or notice to the other partners .
7 In the study of human trisomy 21 oocytes ( 49 ) and mouse XO oocytes ( 50 ) , the technique has proved invaluable in revealing the synaptic configurations present in these abnormal situations .
8 The high costs involved in this form of education are sometimes given as a reason for not allowing end-users this form of training .
9 All the published results available at this time show that this new material is easy to place and avoids most of the early stent related complications — that is , early clogging or dislodgement .
10 The primitive valuables involved in such exchanges were neither money nor cash , but items that were often spent in political and social spheres of activity to form alliances in peacetime and during war , as well as compensation for death and bridewealth .
11 Furthermore , to avoid the necessity of duplication of records , there should be a place for recording the profiling categories common to most record of achievement schemes .
12 Many graduates could benefit from TOPS courses because their degree courses are often too specialised to allow them to acquire the generalised skills useful in many jobs .
13 FIG. 1 Schematic layout illustrating the cognitive components involved in each task ( dark squares ) .
14 Most forms of alternative medicine work harmoniously and synergistically together to produce combined effects which are often greater than the sum of the individual effects attributable to each .
15 The prostaglandins are messenger molecules whose role is to harmonize the many complex biochemical reactions which occur within cells , and to integrate the individual cells one with another .
16 But this may simply reflect the tremendous difficulties involved in such trials .
17 People who write adventures tend to forget they were beginners once , making the mighty plains inaccessible for all but the brave and fearless ( like myself ) .
18 My new mother-in-law , Martha , has worked long and hard for many months to prepare this wonderful occasion , all the little details such as these beautiful flower/cake decorations were planned by her , and my father-in-law has taken on his second mortgage without complaint , like the good-natured man he is .
19 Fundamentally , the reason is that the properties of DNA that we have identified turn out to be the basic ingredients necessary for any process of cumulative selection .
20 In these pre-Cubist paintings of 1907 and 1908 it is as if Picasso were preparing himself for the difficulties involved in creating a new style by taking stock afresh of some of the basic problems inherent in all painting since the invention of illusionistic perspective .
21 The environmental contradictions implicit in all this activity scarcely occurred to anyone , of course .
22 The key benefits applicable to most pension schemes include :
23 The phonetic changes involved in such a sequence are all well-established , and can be identified in , say , Gimson 's account of assimilations and elisions in his Introduction to the Pronunciation of English — have becoming [ ] , and so on .
24 The procedural rules common to all applications under the Children Act 1989 are discussed in Chapter 5 .
25 If a claim is not provided by the agreed date , the Prime contractor may notify the Non-academic Parties responsible for that claim that it intends to submit a consolidated claim without including such missing claim and may thereafter proceed with such submission accordingly .
26 One can think of a number of cases which are coming before the courts where there 's been a lot of publicity and I 'm sure that the legal teams involved in those cases will be studying this judgement er and will be considering whether or not those principles ca n't be applied to their cases .
27 The CTO will often ask to see copies of relevant correspondence between the parties and the legal advisors subject to any privilege rights .
28 These reservations notwithstanding , the internationalism of many of the films on view reiterated the numerous concerns common to all gay people everywhere .
29 The plotting routines available in most statistical packages are still rather crude , especially those which rely on the line-printer as their printing device ; plots on machines designed for text mean that the resolution ( i.e. number of subdivisions possible on either the horizontal or vertical axis ) is usually poor ; many values that are in fact different can end up being plotted on the same point .
30 It would be impossible to cover all areas of management practice within the limited confines of this project , but I hope to have covered all the important areas relevant to these manager 's particular jobs .
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