Example sentences of "the [adj] [noun sg] of [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 " Good " dealers will derive motivation from the frowns of the establishment , the black looks of the wary and the total disinterest of 90% of the population .
2 At any one time , then , the total quantity of plants in the sea may seem relatively small .
3 But , it must be stressed , this is not a call for the total abolition of animals from the research laboratory .
4 So perhaps the total inventory of species during warm times is , in practice , as high or even higher than in cooler times .
5 Holding a press conference in Gaborone on Jan. 26 during a visit to Botswana , Pan-Africanist Congress ( PAC ) president Zephania Mothopeng called for the total elimination of apartheid through armed struggle , and rejected de Klerk 's reformist measures .
6 An alternative way of examining harmonic distortion is to display the total spectrum of frequencies on an oscilloscope ( Fig. 4 ) .
7 The total cost of incentives to the taxpayer for private forestry in 1988 was approximately £20 million .
8 Between 1985 and 2025 the number of pensioners was set to rise from 9 million to over 12 million ; and the total cost of pensions for the public would rise from £17 billion a year to almost £36 billion if pensions were linked with prices and to a colossal £50 billion if they were linked , as Labour wanted , to the higher of either prices or earnings .
9 OWN FINANCES A spokesman for Cleveland education department said it was difficult to assess accurately the total cost of vandalism across the whole county because many schools now controlled their own finances .
10 ITEMISED as follows : total cost of the feeder main ; total cost of low pressure main in individual villages , including installing governors ; and the total cost of services to be laid .
11 According to a Swedish study of the economics of wind power in 1979 recommending the construction of 700 offshore windmills , the total cost of generation by this method was comparable with that of AGR generation at a ratio of 1 ( nuclear ) to 1.2 ( wind power ) .
12 In theory , but not usually in practice , the total mass of products of a chemical process should equal the total mass of reactants used in the process .
13 Voluntary organisations have a key role in the total range of provision for adults and are strongly supported in Croydon .
14 The sense of outrage on the part of both Marx and Braverman at the crippling effects ( physical or spiritual ) on many workers of the division of labour within capitalist enterprises is fully justified , but their unitary and rationalistic conception of the total subordination of labour to capital leads them to an overestimation of the role this division of labour must play in the formation of social collectivities : the extraction of any ‘ skill ’ content from labour for the mass of workers ; the homogenisation of ‘ simple labour ’ in all branches of production ; the cheapening of labour power ; increasingly intolerable oppression — these tendencies are bound to overwhelm any secondary differentiation of the workers by branch or by enterprise and lead to the formation of a revolutionary proletariat .
15 Careful studies of the total level of output per head of the population in 1950 suggested that , taking the United States as 100 , the United Kingdom scored 55 , France 46 , Germany 37 and Italy 25 .
16 The observations on the last datapoint before transfer and the first after were averaged over 10 minute periods throughout the day , and show engagement by the individual studied , help , and the total level of contact from staff .
17 Traditional Keynesian analysis required government to intervene in the economy to affect the total level of demand for goods and services , and to ensure that this level was high enough to be consistent with full employment and not so high that inflation was generated or a balance of payments crisis precipitated .
18 However , although the stick position and the total lack of response to the elevator are by far the most important symptoms of the actual stall , many instructors hardly mention it .
19 For all that , the key to his return was the total panic of May and the total lack of confidence in the capacity of the existing regime to extricate France from the crisis .
20 Mobutu on Oct. 23 named Bernardin Mungul Diaka as Prime Minister ; Tshisekedi responded by announcing on Oct. 31 the formation of an alternative cabinet , " in consideration of the total lack of authority of the state " .
21 Speculation in regard to the relationship of the Muftiliks of Molla Fenari and Molla Yegan to that of Fahreddin Acemi founders because of the total lack of information concerning the Muftiliks of the first two ; and speculation regarding the reasons for the foundation of the institution is likewise extremely difficult as there is little enough information regarding the actual duties even of Fahreddin Acemi .
22 The Modern Architectural Research Group ( MARS ) of London architects put forward a scheme in 1938 for the total renewal of London on radical lines , but it was a futurist fantasy .
23 He produced a general landform equation in which landform ( LF ) could be viewed as a function of geologic material ( m ) ; rate of change of geological material , structural factor ( dm/at ) ; rate of erosion ( de/dt ) ; the rate of uplift ( du/dt ) ; and the total time of duration of the process ( t ) in the form LF = , and he then proposed expressions for an erosion factor ( de/dt ) .
24 Thus , purchases by the Board would have done nothing to facilitate an increase in the total supply of land for development even if they had been much more numerous .
25 The total supply of money in circulation can not , however , be measured , because although the value of coins struck is known for individual years , there is no satisfactory way of estimating how long they remained in circulation .
26 The total supply of labour in an economy depends on the following three factors :
27 Yes , obsession is the total extreme of pride in performance , is n't it ?
28 A more promising approach would be the comparative one , starting from the total distribution of pronouns in Shakespeare compared to other Elizabethan sonnet-writers .
29 The total number of sources in the IRAS catalogue — mainly clouds in our Galaxy — will probably run to two hundred thousand .
30 This brought the total number of projects to 470 and total spending to ECU8,200 million .
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