Example sentences of "the [adj] [noun] and for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Some of the agencies have been recommending the complete party and for some people this is ideal , in that they then do not have to worry .
2 to copy the Scottish system and for central Government , instead of the current unsatisfactory position with discretionary awards , to fund a set number of places nationally ;
3 The defence expenditure to which the hon. Gentleman referred has considerable benefits for the scientific world and for British industry .
4 They are an extremely important development for the civil service and for those parts of the civil service that are especially concerned with delivering service to the customer .
5 Needs have been identified for high quality therapy equipment at the Developmental Centre and for possible further exchanges of staff in July 1993 .
6 Anxiety for the primary sufferer and for other members of the family .
7 Love and concern for the primary sufferer and for other members of the family .
8 We have the money for the current week and for future weeks in our hands , we know come what may we can rely on our Family Allowance .
9 And because Sun will only carry Open Look-based products through its distribution channels , ICS will also be supplying Motif-based versions of the Adobe WYSIWYG software for existing users that have already defected to the rival interface and for those that will run Motif on Solaris 2. x .
10 With the Hammersmith team he took part in the evolution of the heart-lung machine and for some years the Melrose pump-oxygenator was the standard in Britain .
11 Along the north side wall , beginning at the eastern end and for some 250ft was the machine row , which consisted of cross-cut and band-saws , mortising machines , planers , two spoke machines , wheel lathe , trimming machine , boring machines etc .
12 It paved the way for expanded West German trade with the Eastern bloc and for greater personal links between the two .
13 The consequent improvement in overall system efficiency represents a significant advantage of the bipolar bridge drive over the unipolar drive and for this reason most large 1 kW ) stepping motors , including variable-reluctance types , are operated from bipolar drives .
14 Talabheim lies in the centre of the Great Forest and for this reason it is sometimes known as the Eye of the Forest , where , like the eye of a cyclone , all is calm amidst the danger all around .
15 The Support Force crossed the great divide and for that the profession ought to be grateful .
16 The proposal , then , was momentous in its implications for the juvenile labour-market and for industrial training .
17 Will the Minister ensure that before the review is completed we shall be able to have adequate information so that we can determine the implications for the various areas and for particular bases which are under threat ?
18 For the living patients and for those in the Crohn 's disease group who died after 1980 the morbid risks were based on age specific prevalences obtained by concurrent epidemiological studies .
19 She pressed her forehead against the cool glass and for two minutes she did not move .
20 There are going to be implications for the private sector and for the statutory authorities and for SAD .
21 The gulls were wheeling and crying above the parapets of the ornate bridge and for one mad moment I thought that they , too , were engaged in an elaborate mockery .
22 Developers of big blocks of flats designed for successful young people in and around the big cities and for wealthy pensioners in Florida and California are worried .
23 Besides the evidence that the peasantry were economically more rational and dynamic than liberal treatments have commonly allowed , revisionists have pointed to their closer contact with urban life , the improving levels of literacy , and the declining respect for the Orthodox Church and for established authority in general .
24 Because incense burns at an even rate and without flame , it is well suited for measuring the division of the religious day and for other purposes .
25 For four and five she spells from the other end and for six she again spells the letters .
26 On the following day the Supreme Council issued appeals to Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev and Prime Minister Nikolai Ryzhkov asking for " benevolent understanding " and recognition of Lithuania 's independence by the Soviet Union and for those appeals to be regarded as an official proposal to begin negotiations to settle all issues connected with the restoration of that independence .
27 It is this that prompts a deep feeling of compassion for the sub-human world and for all our fellow men .
28 Members of MoneySavers gain the privileges of * Priority Booking — up to two weeks in advance of public booking * The Playhouse " What 's On " brochure sent direct to you in advance of public distribution * Free membership of The Stage Door Club and most important of all * Two seats for the price of one on most Monday and Tuesday evenings in the Main House and for many first nights in the Studio Theatre .
29 The next phase will be er this phase , site three er , which we will be providing twenty one er , flats to rent as your nominees er three units for the special needs and for those like I told you , it 's about twenty four rented to nominees we 've had the funding for that pre-allocated by the housing corporation so they are er , committed to , to funding that .
30 The purpose-built building will become a facility for the local community and for all in need .
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