Example sentences of "the [noun prp] [vb past] [vb pp] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It is hard to imagine the average builder , unskilled in the repair of old buildings , recognising the significance of the two cat skeletons and the pile of old clothes that the Eastons found tucked behind the chimney in the old kitchen .
2 The Carters had laid on a jazz evening , featuring Sarah Vaughan and Dizzy Gillespie .
3 Trade within the EEC had expanded at a rate double that of trade with non-members , and the EEC had also become the world 's largest trading power .
4 On the French side although the Communists failed to form a government and were thus not in a position to change French policy towards Vietnam — whether they would have wanted to do so is not quite so clear — the impasse between them and the MRP had resulted in a caretaker government under the veteran Socialist party leader , Leon Blum ; and Blum , calling for an end to equivocation and an absolutely clear definition of policy , had urged not only confidence and friendship but ‘ sincere agreement ’ on the basis of Vietnamese independence .
5 At one point I almost lost them until I realized that the Sierra had pulled into a garage for gas .
6 The Mexico City meetings , the first to be attended by FMLN field commanders , produced agreement on a package of proposed constitutional amendments , which the FMLN had stipulated as a precondition to a ceasefire .
7 In the absence of appropriate provision by other bodies , the WEA had grown as a social movement which sought to provide those opportunities for people , denied access to further and higher education , either through its own efforts or cooperatively , but without patronage , in partnership with the universities , LEAs , and other agencies .
8 By then the Dysarts had moved into the countryside .
9 In March 1916 , it was announced that the S.M.E.T. had contracted with the County of London Electricity Supply Co. for bulk supply of current , both for lighting and for that part of the tramways which they supplied .
10 Certainly the fortunes of the Carews had declined over the years .
11 There is the irony : that , just when British Empirical Socialism had come to terms with the idea of a mixed economy , when it had accepted that for the indefinite future a public sector and a private sector would co-exist , when the tangle of objections which the Webbs had seen to the development of a privately-owned industrial co-operative sector had been so far cleared away as to open the path to a natural growth of industrial democracy by a means which , because it reconciled the rights and interests of labour with those of ownership , would have been sustainable , the Labour Government ignored or overlooked the opportunity .
12 It was this role that the new model unions had consciously adopted in the eighteen fifties and that the Webbs had emphasised in the eighteen nineties .
13 It had all been a far cry from the excitement of her engagement to the handsome young houseman when the Stevenses had celebrated with a party in the garden of their home .
14 The Aborigines had suffered at the hands of the sealers — many of the women were kidnapped and put to work plucking birds for the feather trade — but they retained their custom of a spontaneous welcome for anyone who put into port on the island .
15 Following its defeats in municipal elections and in elections to the House of Councillors in July 1989 [ see pp. 36800-01 ] , the LDP had embarked upon a programme aimed at reasserting and regaining the political influence which had been damaged not only by the scandals but also by the imposition of an unpopular 3 per cent general consumption tax [ GCT — see p. 36618 , where it is wrongly referred to as a value added tax ] and by the liberalization of import controls in the agricultural sector [ see p. 36800 ] .
16 When I traced my own family tree I found that the Heys had come into the parish of Penistone ( and more particularly to that part known as the township of Thurlstone where I lived ) about the year 1800 and that during the previous three centuries they had resided in Kirkburton parish immediately to the north .
17 The UDF had proposed including the diplomatic service within the bill 's purview , and claimed that the ruling Bulgarian Socialist Party ( BSP ) was reneging on an earlier promise by voting en bloc against this proposal .
18 When the Fiat had emerged from the gateway of the Miletti villa at five o'clock that afternoon , Zen had been astonished to find that his driver for the ransom drop was to be Silvio 's secretary , Ivy Cook .
19 The assembled guests well knew they were after bigger quarry than hare or stag and it the small town of Kirkmichael , Mar , on Tuesday 6 September , formally proclaimed James King of England , Scotland and , as tradition required , France , a poor return for all the help the Bourbons had given to the Jacobite cause .
20 The ANC had called for the day to be one of national mourning and services and vigils were held throughout the country .
21 As far as French was concerned , the Wallabies were in South Africa because the ANC had agreed to the tour and , if they withdrew their support , the team would return immediately to Australia .
22 Ramaphosa said his organization had had " no option " , but emphasized that the ANC remained committed to the negotiations process .
23 In Great Britain , the high cost of the Battle of the Somme had led to the fall of Asquith on 11 December 1916 and to his replacement as prime minister by David Lloyd George , in whose leadership the British people placed high trust .
24 In a reversal of normality , the Eiger had stared through a telescope at her .
25 The BMW had come to a stop and the boy was climbing out , his Molotov cocktail now lit and ready .
26 The Thames had turned towards the sea .
27 On the other hand , when the Greater London Council was abolished in 1986 , County Hall on the south bank of the Thames became vested in the London Residuary Body which applied for planning permission to use the main block for mixed hotel , residential and general office purposes unconnected with any local government functions .
28 The NRF had originated from a combination of Swedish Red-and-Whites crossed to Ayrshires ( imported since the 1860s ) , and by 1960 it had absorbed the graded-up Red Trondheim ( a horned breed from Ayrshires crossed to local cattle between 1850 and 1891 ) and the Hedmark , another local type of the Swedish Red-and-White .
29 By the ninth century the Magyars had settled around the river Dnepr , north of the Crimean Peninsula , having been expelled outwards by that movement of Asian tribes which rolled peoples westwards for a thousand years .
30 Instead of flying straight to the United States , the Shah had decided at the last minute to accept an invitation from Anwar Sadat of Egypt to pause briefly in Aswan .
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