Example sentences of "the [noun prp] [noun prp] [verb] [conj] it " in BNC.

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1 The Dorset TEC said that it was struggling to manage but that it might manage ’ with the provisos that the average length of stay on the scheme remains one year ’ .
2 Yet the Dorset TEC said that it could manage only if the scheme was cut in half .
3 On Sept. 28 the United Kingdom announced that it was scrapping its short-range battlefield nuclear weapons but would continue with plans to arm the Navy with the multi-warhead Trident D-5 submarine-launched missile .
4 In February 1990 the United States announced that it was giving only $1,000,000 to the government 's economic recovery programme ( ERP , launched in April 1989 ) instead of the $6,000,000 indicated earlier and the $13,000,000 requested by Canada , the chair of the support group .
5 However , on Jan. 11 , 1990 , the United States announced that it was to cut its 1990 contribution to FAO from $70,000,000 to $18,000,000 and would consider withdrawing from the organization altogether .
6 The European Communities had pledged $144,000,000 , while the United States announced that it would increase its $54,000,000 in annual aid to $84,000,000 to assist the transition to democracy .
7 During the negotiations the United States indicated that it was seeking a rate for the dollar that would yield a $13 billion boost to the US current account .
8 The United States feels that it is shouldering too heavy a defence burden in Europe , whilst Europe has increasingly become an economic rival of the United States ; Europeans resent their separate defence and economic dependence on the United States , but have been slow to recognize their de facto commitment to an unrealistic and arbitrary divide between economic and strategic policies .
9 Seats in the new national assembly could be left vacant for north Korean representatives , should the latter subsequently be elected on an acceptable basis ; the United States held that it was vitally important that the Soviet Union should not exercise a veto on the role of the UN in Korea .
10 The relatives of both Leofsige , abbot of Ely from 1029 to 1044 , and of Ælfwine , bishop of Elmham in Cnut 's reign , granted estates in Norfolk , Suffolk and Cambridgeshire to Ely when their sons entered the monastery , and the Liber Eliensis says that it was Leofsige 's own policy to accept no monk who was not well-educated and of good birth , so that the church might be enriched by liberality .
11 " Well , the River Police suggest that it was to weight the body enough to keep it under water , but not to sink it .
12 On his return to the USA Horton decided that it was time to try out some of his ideas , and to test them with the light of practical experience .
13 The Calderdale TEC says that it has many young people waiting .
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