Example sentences of "the [noun prp] [was/were] [vb pp] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 THE NME was housed in a rambling , ramshackle , rabbit-warren of a building in Covent Garden 's Long Acre .
2 The WSWRRL was funded by the ESRC under the pilot phase of the regional Research Laboratory Initiative in 1987/88 and is one of a network of centres supported in the main phase of the Initiative .
3 He commented that the Pentagon was split between the advocates and opponents of a treaty .
4 The crowd at the Manor were treated to the good , the bad and the ugly side of Oxford United .
5 In 1914 the Manor was purchased by a body of British subscribers and presented to the peoples of Britain and the United States of America in celebration of 100 years peace and friendship between the two nations .
6 After the defeat of the battle of Hastings the parish was given along with others to Odo , Bishop of Bayeux , half brother to William I , but at an assembly at Penenden Heath in 1076 , led by Lanfranc , Archbishop of Canterbury , the Manor was returned to the Church of St. Andrew , Rochester .
7 In this capacity , he also established ties with the Government of Mozambique , and helped in the gradual process by which relations between Mozambique and the EEC were put on a more constructive basis .
8 Malcolm 's lasting interest in the Orient was illustrated by the fact that he became president of the China Society and helped to found the Oriental Ceramic Society .
9 In Scotland work in the Highlands was confined to the summer months allowing a full scale revision of the coalfields to be started .
10 In its annual report on anti-constitutional groups and activities ( Verfassungsschutzbericht ) , published in late November 1989 , the Interior Ministry had estimated that the RAF was led by a core group of 15 , with some 250 militant followers and a further 700-750 sympathisers .
11 Long before the Harrier , the RAF were presented with a proposal to minimise dependence on vulnerable airfields .
12 At one stage the Guernsey was used as a draught animal and later for beef , but its prime role was always as a milk producer .
13 The whole of Sadducee thought was oriented towards the Temple , and when the Temple was destroyed during the revolt of A.D. 66 , the official Sadducees ceased to exist .
14 Like the Tabernacle , the Temple was built round the preacher , in this case Joseph Parker .
15 In 1974 the value of the SDR was linked to a basket of sixteen national currencies , so the link with gold was severed .
16 The tall black man who had emerged from the Lincoln was dressed in a dark blue three-piece suit that looked incongruously heavy for such a hot day .
17 Flying bombing missions in Malaya was totally unconventional considering the Lincoln was designed as a main-stream heavy bomber for service with RAF Bomber Command on expected missions over Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union , a similar role to its predecessor , the immortal Lancaster .
18 The CU was achieved by the original six members in 1968 .
19 Relations between the federal government and the PBS were strained after the 1985 state elections when the PBS ousted the Berjaya party ( Bersatu Rakyat Jelata Sabah , then a federal coalition member — see p. 33778 ) .
20 Changes in the VHAI were used as an end point in this study .
21 Millar said : ‘ The WEA was subsidised by the state and we were not .
22 Millar said : ‘ The WEA was subsidised by the state and we were not .
23 In January 1953 the universities and the WEA were told of the Minister 's intention to cut grant-aid towards their adult education work by 10% for the educational year beginning the following August .
24 The decision to return to the States was taken after a visit to a specialist this week , and Palace physio David West will accompany him on the trip .
25 Like , where were all the anti-war songs when the Falklands were turned into a mass graveyard for the young men of England and Argentina ?
26 Like , where were all the anti-war songs when the Falklands were turned into a mass graveyard for the young men of England and Argentina ?
27 For example , the morning play on the Saturday was condensed into a half hour package and there was some great stuff in the morning .
28 When Bonnie Prince Charlie left after a brief visit during his march on England in 1745 , the Earl of Traquair vowed that the resplendent Bear Gates ( the ‘ Steekit Yetts ’ ) should not be opened again until the Stuarts were restored to the throne .
29 Dzerzinsky 's absence the Cheka was replaced by the GPU ( Gosudarstvennoe politicheskoe upravlenie ) , which was now to be integrated within the Commissariat for Internal Affairs .
30 The Mercedes was equipped with an electric sunroof , automatic transmission , anti-lock brakes and a few more extras that swelled the price by over £4,000 .
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