Example sentences of "the [noun prp] [conj] [verb] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Renault Senior League winners Randalstown , were scheduled to meet the Dubliners along with the Munster and Connaught champions in Cork on May 22–23 but Muckross have applied for a re-scheduling to help their preparations for their European Club Championship campaign in Italy which begins a few days later .
2 Parsons attended the 100 Club , Hope & Anchor and the Nashville and became part of the scene .
3 Tass also quoted the Georgian embassy in Moscow as saying the plane was an Il-29 of the Confederation of Highland Nations , which groups small ethnic groups in the Caucasus and supports Abkhazia in the conflict .
4 We see him depicted as a young boy in Luke 2 , obedient to his parents , going up to the Temple and spending time with the learned men asking questions .
5 A further step was taken at Birmingham in 1930 when the Conference instructed the National Administrative Council : to reconstruct the ILP Parliamentary Group on the basis of acceptance of the policy of the ILP as laid down by decisions of Annual Conference and as interpreted by the NAC. and to limit endorsements of future ILP Parliamentary candidates to nominees who accept this basis .
6 Reginald Bray , a friend of Masterman 's , would remark on the same development : As Bray organised the arguments of Iris powerful Christian treatise on The Town Child ( 1907 ) around deep shades of pastoral contrast between the serenity of natural phenomena and what he regarded as the unnatural and shallow inconsistency of the irreverent city , he thought that ‘ the most remarkable effect of an urban environment is to be sought in the disappearance of the habit of self-control ’ : The riotous jingo crowds which had accompanied the Ladysmith and Mafeking celebrations during the Boer War had indeed provided one of the most visible manifestations of these perceived alterations among the British people , and observing that ‘ to ‘ Maffick ’ ’ is not really congenial to the British character' The Times ( 30 October 1900 ) had mused upon whether ‘ our national character was changing for the worse ’ .
7 At a junction one of them stepped from the Sierra and opened fire on the police car with a sawn-off Kalashnikov rifle , said the prosecution , but the two officers were not injured .
8 Two years ago , I went on holiday to the States and witnessed scenes in clubs that made me realize women were n't as inhibited as I 'd thought .
9 But it was a very distinctive and pervasive tone : the Hollywood casting couch was for starlets in the States and stud boys in London .
10 The original sample covered 297 trainees for 96 employers in the Dundee and Renfrew Districts of Scotland and the re-interview survey covers 88 of these employers who now engage 222 trainees .
11 The king withdrew with his household and the major departments of state to York where he revoked the Ordinances and recalled Gaveston in January 1312 .
12 He us currently working on a book of pictures of cows and admires The Knights That Say Ni in The Holy Grail .
13 This means that the SPR is left in the ‘ Replied to ’ state until the authorised work has been completed , at which time an SSR should be generated to close off the SPR and inform users of the change .
14 This means that the SPR is left in the ‘ Replied to ’ state until the authorised work has been completed , at which time an SSR should be generated to close off the SPR and inform users of the change .
15 A basic motivation for recent reforms to create trust hospitals and an ‘ internal market ’ within the NHS and to allow schools to ‘ opt out ’ of LEA control is also , to use a neutral phrase , to change traditional patterns of public accountability by shifting the emphasis from accountability to political bodies such as Parliament to financial accountability to auditing bodies .
16 An anti-Nazi lawyer , Serge Klarsfeld , discovered in mid-November that a Second World War filedrawn up by French police in October 1940 on the instructions of the Gestapo and containing information on all Jewish people in Paris was still in existence at the Ministry of War Veterans , where it was apparently used to check pension claims .
17 The central committee took the view , however , that there could not be a ‘ party within a party ’ and they made preparations to expel members of the DPKR and removed Rutskoi from the Central Committee .
18 He was impressed by the Madras or monitor system of Dr Bell , in which pupil teachers passed on one teacher 's instruction to hundreds of junior pupils .
19 The Dawley Telford branch chose to support the RNLI and presented cheques to the value of £430 to Wellington branch .
20 On Nov. 1 , Kirghiz President Askar Akayev reported his satisfaction with his recent visit to the USA , when he had met Bush , spoken at the UN and held talks with businessmen .
21 As well as the Gazelle and Scout helicopters of G58 Squadron , 7 Regiment Army Air Corps comprises 656 Squadron with a flight of Gazelles and one of Lynx anti-tank helicopters , and 2 Flight with their six Gazelles .
22 The Sludge Disposal Vessel ‘ Gardyloo ’ built to operate from the new facility was in fact completed in August 1876 and immediately chartered for work on the Clyde while awaiting completion of the Seafield Works .
23 Then , under the banner of Islam , descendants of Turkish shepherd tribes stormed Constantinople , fought under the walls of Vienna , subjugated the Balkans and held sway over the Hejaz , Egypt and Algiers .
24 Mr Dewry said : ‘ We have a company in the UK that makes cosmetics with a high content of lead and mercury .
25 The use of offal for human consumption or animal feed is prohibited in the UK and export licences to the European Community have been suspended since September 1990 .
26 As the port took shape and London became the trading centre of Europe , an elaborate system of canals was built , leading away from the Thames , ramifying throughout the UK and enabling goods to be transported inland .
27 The strength of local and international protest was shown in the first week on January this year , when 2,000 protestors from the US , the UK and test sites in Kazakhstan and the Pacific joined with Shoshone representatives in a mass trespass onto the Nevada Site .
28 In September 1987 the committee of European Community central bank governors decided to change a number of rules relating to interventions and financing within the EMS and strengthen cooperation among the various central banks .
29 ‘ It is possible that there is some historical connection between the Yoga and occult practices of India and Tibet and the practice of psychic powers of Aboriginal men of high degree .
30 Considering the Hay & Maddock results for human geography , where the authors found that 40% of social scientists rarely refer to theses , and 29% do not use them at all , it will be apparent that geological theses form a significant element in the communication process , since almost half of them are cited .
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