Example sentences of "the [noun prp] [verb] [verb] and [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The Daurog began to whitter and make shrill noises .
2 The authorities discounted the possibility that the former East German state security police ( " Stasi " ) had been behind the attack , despite confirmation on March 26 by the federal prosecutor that the Stasi had sheltered and trained RAF members since 1978 .
3 This was echoed by J. H. Matthews , recently-retired Southern District Secretary , who called for fresh efforts to recruit manual workers as voluntary branch members and held that , ideally , Tutorials were the courses which should be provided : ‘ what the WEA has emphasised and needs more thoroughly to practise is the importance of substantial and continuous study , particularly in the social sciences , as the major element in its work ’ although ‘ well conceived short courses will have their place ’ .
4 By the early 1970s the CNAA had established and reviewed policies ; framed a pattern of degrees and made the revisions which resulted , for example , in the adoption of the degree and degree with honours , branching from a common foundation , to replace the essentially two-track ordinary and honours structure ; and arrived at a broad and growing diversity of subject areas to validate , with a potential to make a major contribution in additional areas .
5 The England aim to develop and educate their players , to measure them against the stiff and stark texture of New Zealand rugby , was a complete success .
6 ‘ When I think how much energy the TARDIS uses to create and maintain that simulacrum of a police box , ’ he murmured .
7 At one time sharing the old Norn language , even there we had been forced to diverge , because while Shetland became absorbed into Scotland and obliged to take on the Scots/English language , the Faroese managed to retain and develop their own language , using that of their ‘ parent ’ country Denmark as the second tongue .
8 Only considerably later were the Commons to aspire to comment and participate in any other sense .
9 By mid July Unionists in the Commons had tabled and spoken to over 160 amendments , with the heaviest burden falling on Younger and Sanders .
10 The school closed in 1987 and it is this part , together with the old playground and grassed area , which the RIBA have purchased and converted into offices .
11 The Orcs began to loot and pillage in their usual fashion , but Gorbad had other plans .
12 Of all the dictators the US has befriended and turned against , Gen Noriega has proven the most resilient and ruthless — partly out of necessity .
13 Both Haketa and the NSDAP sought to resolve and dissolve the internal German class and social conflicts brought about by attempting to maintain a feudal nobility and at the same time to industrialise a newly formed country by projecting their energy into false imperialist and colonial solutions in their eastern borderlands .
14 To understand why the RHA became involved and wanted to force the pace , it is necessary to turn back to examine the state of affairs which was inherited by the authority from the old metropolitan health board .
15 The Encyclopedie intended to encapsulate and communicate the entire body of ( mid-18th century ) human knowledge in a structured way .
16 The Wyllies have owned and managed the firm since then , the present owner being of the fourth generation .
17 I do n't want to get over-emotional about this but I really am massively proud of the things that The Smiths have done and achieved and from that point of view , of course , it 's all really sad …
18 There is a hive of activity at Douglas Reyburn , the Kilmarnock based spinning and dyeing company that supplies the group with carpet yarns .
19 In June , 1950 , North Korean Communists nearly overran the southern half of the artificially divided country , the half which the U.S. had occupied and paid for since the war .
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