Example sentences of "the [noun prp] [noun] [that] i [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He should ask Chiltern , the Buckinghamshire district that I quoted , and whose refuse collection costs a great deal , why that should be so .
2 So I map out a route over familiar country near home which takes in some old hedges and one-time mushroom pastures , hoist a gathering bag over my shoulder — and then curse the fact that the mid-October day that I have carefully planned for this expedition turns out to be the most dismal of the autumn so far .
3 Said Granada 's Controller of Sport Paul Doherty : ‘ I told the ITV lawyers that I consider this unfair restriction of trade and I want ITV as a body to challenge it in the courts .
4 It was precisely because the measures in the social chapter would have damaged first employment prospects and secondly our competitiveness against Japan and the United States that I found them unacceptable .
5 I said I did n't know , and thought no more of it and it was n't until David returned and was performing at the Arts Lab on the Sunday night that I remembered and said to David , ‘ Oh , by the way , while you were away I had a message — your father is not very well ’ .
6 It 's probably because of Grizedale Forest in the Lake District that I manage to make a living as a sculptor .
7 Which is funny , because all the Manson girls that I 've seen on film and stuff , when they talk about Charlie 's music they always say , he was great , he was as good as Tom Jones !
8 ‘ The smiling meadows of Worcestershire and the noble line of the Malvern hills that I love so dearly ’ , he wrote to a member of that titled family from the swamplands of British Guiana in January 1933 , missing and yearning for a home he knew could never be his .
9 The confusion to which the hon. Gentleman refers does not exist at any of the BP refineries that I have visited .
10 I was against this sport all along , but it is only now that I have read the page in the Leicester Mercury that I feel bold enough to speak out to you .
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