Example sentences of "the [noun sg] must have [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 If state officials perform a particular action , the elite must have had a goal which that action helps .
2 If we found an object such as a watch upon a heath , even if we did n't know how it had come into existence , its own precision and intricacy of design would force us to conclude that the watch must have had a maker : that there must have existed , at some time , and at some place or other , an artificer or artificers , who formed it for the purpose which we find it actually to answer ; who comprehended its construction , and designed its use .
3 The proviso of the key must have raised a few eyebrows .
4 The cat must have got a bigger shock .
5 This would mean that science could predict that the universe must have had a beginning , but that it could not predict how the universe should begin : For that , one would have to appeal to God .
6 As experimental and theoretical evidence mounted , it became more and more clear that the universe must have had a beginning in time , until in 1970 this was finally proved by Penrose and myself , on the basis of Einstein 's general theory of relativity .
7 The boy must have had a terrible time at school .
8 The eye must have had a designer , just as the telescope had .
9 The plaintiff must have had a genuine freedom of choice before the defence can be successfully raised against him .
10 The oolerinnen must have set a trap for me .
11 But with all the equipment at GCHQ the Government must have known a lot more than I did about the horrors .
12 On less tangible aspects the tour must have added a plus or two to the English rugby character , for there were problems with the itinerary , occasionally with the accommodation .
13 Although there was never a great deal of action , at one time the firm must have done a fair trade as old Mr. Talbot was reputed to be a very wealthy man .
14 From its size , the knife must have had a very specific use and may even have been a surgical instrument .
15 But it was solid silver — and the inscription must have cost a bit as well .
16 Why cut off one hand ? the Doctor wondered , before the reason struck him : the man must have carried a briefcase or similar object cuffed to his wrist , and his assailants had n't been willing to expend time on subtleties like lockpicking .
17 erm I think the city must have become a real mess , there were stores piled up everywhere , wood , coal , corn , often I think they had to build sort of , something to hold the corn , there 's a lot of the evidence for that in the college accounts certainly .
18 I really felt she had gone too far ; the book must have cost a small fortune .
19 At Charlton Mackerell ( right ) the carver must have mistaken a lighted candle for a flower in the bottom corner , when copying from a book
20 The magic must have skipped a generation , he suggested .
21 In the year 1184 , an event took place at the Palace which at the time must have sent a ripple through the whole country for Richard , Archbishop of Canterbury , the man who had succeeded Thomas Becket , died here at Halling .
22 I mean the carpet must have cost a fortune !
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