Example sentences of "the [noun sg] she [vb past] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But before she could finish the sentence she felt a hand on her shoulder and turned to find Rune looming over her , glass in hand .
2 To finish off the story she married a millionaire in Tennessee , so she 's OK . ’
3 Shortly after reading the play she paid a visit to the poet .
4 As she looked in the doorway she noticed a man standing there .
5 About fifty metres from the car she discovered a passageway which sliced between the terraces .
6 In the spring she planted a garden of remembrance round the grave using all the flowers her mother had loved .
7 At a turn in the corridor she saw a picture she remembered , a ship at sea , and under the waves a chariot racing from a previous painting .
8 The first voice made a request for permission to use the campsite area for a group of boys during the next school break , and after stopping the machine she made a note of the name and address to which she would send confirmation .
9 Rachel was about to protest — this sounded like dangerous ground — but somehow it seemed the lesser of two evils and as she turned the key in the ignition she felt a flutter of excitement and she knew , deep down , that she wanted to go with him .
10 Near the bar she caught a glimpse of Marcus 's round head and began to make her way towards him .
11 She asked for an orange juice , and while he was at the bar she found a table in the window .
12 But when Angela 's mum complained about the feast she started a family feud .
13 She 'd never been a raving beauty , it was true , but at the moment she looked a wreck .
14 Anna became very active and efficient running charities and committees ; Constanza took a shift at a canteen , and after Italy was in the war she got a job in a ministry , real work , and she did it ; for what it was worth .
15 In the evening she wrote a cheque for £20 , but instead of the Cats ' Protection League , made it out to Maria Jakob .
16 The only thing which was missing was the recognised transport qualification , a Certificate of Professional Competence , so , determined not to let this official piece of paper prevent her from doing the job she undertook a study course and was soon legally qualified to run the fleet .
17 In the distance she heard a car engine , normally a sound which compelled curiosity but now of no interest .
18 She acknowledged this with a raised thumb , but when she showed me the assortment of charts on the bed-table pushed against the wall she gave a thumbs-down over his fluid-intake .
19 The following day the dress rehearsal went so smoothly that after giving out his notes — the pause at the end of the third act , before Olwyn opened the cigarette box for the second time , was a whisker too long , and her response to Robert 's line to the effect that she 'd fabricated the person she loved a touch too quick — ; Meredith declared enough was enough .
20 Mrs Swales told the court she saw a lot of shouting and arguing , but she did not intervene or try to get involved .
21 Over the top she had a jacket of the palest blue , and a brooch of seed pearls like a bunch of grapes .
22 MISS E will not talk publicly about the day she accepted a glass of wine from Dr Tom Courtney .
23 Behind fresh eggs and bacon and milk at the front of the fridge she found a pile of dates covered in green mould , and a piece of Stilton turning grey , and an older lump of lettuce wrapped in newspaper .
24 In the library she negotiated a cease-fire between Joyce Babcock and the new trainee , a girl fatally endowed with enthusiasm both for books and for people , and therefore threatening the entire ethos of Joyce 's empire .
25 Later during the morning she had a lung scan which did not reveal any abscess but showed a picture which was consistent with pneumonia .
26 Placed first on the beam , vault and bar , and second on the floor she accumulated a score of 34.4 points under the new points code .
27 This evening , she decided , she would tell the man she met a thing or two .
28 At the end of the garden she reached a summerhouse .
29 Out by the pool she found a girl who greeted her warmly and , delving into the recesses of her knapsack , brought out a box of nougat and gave it to her .
30 As she withdrew the needle she heard a car draw up outside .
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