Example sentences of "the [noun sg] will be [verb] at " in BNC.

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1 The trial will be held at Portstewart Promenade , beginning at 6pm when leading trials exponents , including Phillip Hanlon , Colin Perry , Jeff Smyth and Stephen Murphy will show off their skills .
2 The trial will be held at a later date .
3 The winner will be chosen at random by our computer .
4 The technique will be announced at the fourth Edinburgh International Science Festival , which opened on Saturday .
5 The money will be directed at community GP services and primary health care over the next six years , with £43.5 million available in the coming year , Mrs Bottomley told the Commons .
6 In narratives as diverse as Jane Eyre and Great Expectations , we are aware , when reading , of a certain inevitability of outcome : the writer has us by the hand — in his or her hand , almost — and we know we will be led , not necessarily to a happy conclusion but that the narrative will be resolved at a place that feels safe and right , that leaves us satisfied .
7 It is expected that the case will be heard at Folkestone Magistrates ' Court in Kent on 16 November .
8 The case will be heard at Stroud County Court in 2 weeks time .
9 The monitoring will be applied at either the commencement of the case or at the point where it becomes defended , and will require notice of the defendant 's intention to defend .
10 The mass will be held at a religious shrine on a road where , three years ago , hundreds of thousands of Filipinos gathered in the uprising which toppled the former president , Ferdinand Marcos , and installed Mrs Aquino in power .
11 He 's extremely cheerful , if somewhat misguided , as he points out the many features of the room , and mentions that the public rooms in the Cottage will be opened at seven o'clock .
12 Mr Chris Patten , the Environment Secretary , yesterday moved to mitigate the effects of the Inland Revenue revaluation by announcing that the poundage will be set at 34.8 pence in the pound instead of the provisional figure of 36 pence in the pound announced last month .
13 The course will be held at the University of Surrey fields at Manor Farm , Guildford , just off the A3 .
14 The course will be held at the Institute of Psychiatry on Tuesday evenings ( 6.00–9.15 ) in term time from 5 March 1991 to 18 June 1991 .
15 The course will be held at The Royal Entomological Society , For further information contact the Study Centre
16 ‘ The next review is due in 1999 , when the rent will be fixed at 18pc of the market value current at that time .
17 INFORMATION kiosks for the electronic city of the future will be demonstrated at the Expo 92 world fair in Seville , Spain , this month .
18 All I would say is that , when the plan reaches modification stage , the Department will be looking at that the situation very closely indeed , and at that stage I would fully expect that even though I wo n't be here to do it myself , as I shall have retired by that stage ,
19 The kinds of devices that the research will be looking at include a touchscreen , a joystick , a mouse and a trackball .
20 The research will be conducted at three centres .
21 A third element of the research will be to look at the geographical impact of ‘ support ’ moves by the elderly.King 's College , London , Age Concern Institute of Gerontology .
22 The result will be announced at 11pm on Downtown Radio by Mervyn Elder , chairman of the International Challenge Day organising committee .
23 The study will be presented at the end of July .
24 And the Mayor will be waiting at Mutton House tonight for news of your enterprise . ’
25 The repository will be located at Sighthill and named after a former 19th century deputy clerk register Thomas Thomson .
26 Whoever wins the game will win the league and the trophy will be presented at the end .
27 The issue will be resolved at a meeting of the agency 's council next month .
28 When the change in angle is made smoothly , the glider will be climbing at a safe angle and will be able to recover if there is a launch failure at any point .
29 Organised by the Association for Media Literacy , the conference will be held at the University of Guelph in Canada , 13–15 May 1992 .
30 The conference will be held at Gleneagles Hotel from 11–13 November , and it is hoped that delegates will include , doctors , sports scientists , physiotherapists , coaches , athletes and administrators .
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