Example sentences of "the [noun sg] would have [vb pp] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Had it landed , the blow would have crushed the cartilage and killed him instantly .
2 A lesser man than the Archdeacon would have made a mental note to avoid this rash abandonment of the riches offered by the Prayer Book collect in favour of a misshapen modernity .
3 Greater care , also , in the proofreading would have prevented a number of misprints in the presentation material .
4 The question that ocurrs here is whether responsibility is deminished because there is a likelyhood that the provokation would have lead a reasonable man to loose his self-control and inflict this grievious harm .
5 The Association would have changed the day if the Minister had consulted them , but he had banned it without enabling them to change their plans .
6 It could be anticipated that the college would have seen the creation of a continuous stream of books and papers generated by the rich source of material which pours through its gates , but this has hardly been the case .
7 Under the Working Paper 's proposals , therefore , vaginal penetration by the penis would have remained the focus of sexual offences legislation .
8 The mechanics of the succession would have seen the convening of the Palestinian parliament-in-exile , the Palestine National Council .
9 The programme would have captured the imagination of TAMZIN DAVIS , 14 , if she 'd stumbled upon it while tuning her radio — but only for two minutes .
10 Where it is clear that the contract-breaker would have taken the same steps anyway the inducement is not an effective cause of the loss .
11 The Leader of the Opposition would have signed the treaty without the debate at Maastricht — he would have accepted anything that M. Delors put in front of him .
12 It is obvious how this affair had to end : the political logic of the contest would have made the gamble ‘ adventurist ’ even if the military logic had not .
13 Opponents said the plan would have had a variable impact , because of differences in the charges of landfill operators across the country .
14 Mr Howell said Phillips and Drew calculated in February that to sell the portfolio would have cost the council £69.1m .
15 Conservative group leader Tony Richmond accused finance committee chair Jan Taylor of saying the council would have set a higher budget if it were not for government spending constraints .
16 With a normal take-off the glider would have cleared the obstruction .
17 The territory belonged to the King of Holland who was quite willing to part with it , and although the transfer would have meant the removal of a Prussian garrison which had been installed there since 1815 , Bismarck at first seemed indifferent to the transaction .
18 The proposal would have ended a system of low taxation on land sales which had helped fuel a property boom since the late 1980s .
19 Managing director Bernard Segrave-Daly said he had also been hoping the Chancellor would have introduced a duty system which would have helped smaller firms .
20 To have cancelled the conference would have created an equally bad impression .
21 The wing would have had a tendency to turn left in flight unless the change had been made ( incorrectly ) to counteract an inherent right turn .
22 The removal of a large section of the landed and business sections of the community would have had a devastating effect on the province as a whole , and especially its economy .
23 Had the company decided to provide tax on the revaluation surplus , the provision would have been made out of the revaluation surplus , ie the tax would have followed the surplus ( SSAP 15 , para 39 ) .
24 Someone standing outside the room would have felt the powerful draught and know something was wrong .
25 No doubt the infant would have followed the adults down the well , too , had not the Padre offered to take the risk of burying it .
26 The wine would have delighted a connoisseur .
27 Mayli stared at him for just a second , then realised that the waiter would have given the alarm by now .
28 Many set the odds on Rank achieving his ambitions very low indeed , seemingly believing that , as Eric Ambler was later to remark , ‘ a policy of selling British cars to America with their steering wheels on the right would have had the same chance of success . ’
29 Visits to Dunfermline became holy days , later corrupted to holidays , and the town would have resembled a teeming holiday camp , says Mr Putter , with bed and breakfast the biggest industry .
30 The fourth argument was that the amendment would have left the Government with inadequate powers .
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