Example sentences of "the [noun sg] is [that] it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 erm now the strongest reason , I think , for believing that that is not the case is that it does n't come from the fossil record , it comes simply from looking at organisms today .
2 The first thing to note about the preface is that it needs to be read .
3 The difficulty is that it does not , one does not — not in one 's art , not in one 's life .
4 He referred unashamedly to certain usages , as recommended by Errol Flynn : ‘ The property of the drug is that it inflames the mucous membranes , such as those in a lady 's genital regions .
5 One advantage of the Chart is that it allows one to represent both complete analyses ( as inactive edges ) and partial analyses ( as active edges ) .
6 The problem with The Guardian is that it does n't look like a newspaper any more .
7 And although this research is industry-specific , the hope is that it offers insights and design lessons applicable in many areas .
8 The general principle underlying the definition of the term is that it excludes physical property which a potential purchaser can inspect .
9 The irony is that it 's all been dead for us lately .
10 The most telling comment on the wealth of the metropolis is that it had more men worth upwards of £100 than most other towns had taxpayers of all grades ; indeed , the number of four-figure assessments equalled the total taxpayers of some tiny market towns .
11 Because the ministry has been brought into being by God , the result is that it bears fruit , whether it is among the gentiles in Pisidian Antioch or the whole group of hearers in Lystra .
12 However , a consequence of so extending the scope of the imperative is that it becomes relevant only to the logic of value judgments , and has no direct bearing on how far a creature adapted to heed only what pleases it can push towards awareness against the grain of organic functioning .
13 The likelihood is that it does n't .
14 My primary criticism of the work is that it tries to encompass too much .
15 The weakness of the proposal is that it dodges the West Lothian Question , first raised in the Seventies by Tam Dalyell .
16 The significance of the act is that it shows how much further the Lords of the Congregation were now prepared to go .
17 However , the most significant objection to the Act is that it has extended the scope of the common law exemption so that husbands are not criminally liable for acts of buggery or indecent assault perpetrated against their wives , save in the exceptional circumstances mentioned above .
18 The proposal that Hartle and I made can be paraphrased as : The boundary condition of the universe is that it has no boundary .
19 One could say : " The boundary condition of the universe is that it has no boundary . "
20 The first is that he has got her into bed so easily and the second is that it seems to mean nothing to her .
21 ‘ One of the things that is often said about the success of British athletics at the moment is that it hides an awful lot that 's wrong .
22 The upshot is that it looks as if major and fundamental matters are at stake about the very nature of sociology itself and that , accordingly , a choice has to be made , and made soon .
23 The snag is that it has no main bank behind it .
24 My final point is this : the saddest thing about the war is that it shows a gross lack of proportion .
25 But the trouble with the picture is that it does absolutely nothing with its various prognostications except play the fool with them .
26 The point is that it has taken players like Wallace and Hardenberger to contradict the cliches about the limitations of the instrument and to prove how flexible it really is .
27 But the point is that it makes sense for him to reject such a statement as false on a given occasion , only if he is prepared to admit that in different circumstances the same statement could be true .
28 Advanced foundations — Max Factor 's High Definition Foundation , £5.49 , contains moisturisers and sunscreens but the difference is that it contains smaller than ever coloured pigments .
29 But the truth is that it has entirely disappeared , and , try though they might , later scholars have been unsuccessful in establishing any convincing connection with any extant instrument .
30 A final objection to a Christian view of the Bible is that it bypasses human thought , and makes men into machines .
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