Example sentences of "the [noun sg] is [adv] seen [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , for all cases where the to infinitive evokes " subsequent potentiality " the support is necessarily seen or implied to be situated in time prior to the event .
2 It is hard to decide whether the result is better seen as self-indulgent twaddle , or , as Robert Lowell said of the Oxford Book of Modern Verse : ‘ Maybe it 's the ultimate Larkin poem ’ , so maybe this is the supreme Ted Hughes fiction .
3 Because the cells move very slowly the process is best seen when speeded up in a time-lapse film .
4 The major problems facing the industry are that the product is still seen as difficult to cook and boring by non-buyers , said Keith Simpson , head of the British Turkey Information Service ( BTIS ) , at the annual turkey industry conference in Norwich yesterday .
5 The environmentalist is increasingly seen as ‘ being on the side of the public ’ , fighting pollution and striving to improve our quality of life .
6 The criticism is then seen as being political and if the electors of Greater London disapprove of what is done in their name by their representatives , the remedy lies in their hands at the next election .
7 This writer would certainly have preferred the option for moving everything out of the main glen , but the fact that the centre is now seen as being a mistake is encouraging and the partial solution is vastly better than the centre being a rapidly-growing monster .
8 The disorder is sometimes seen as serving a homoeostatic or stabilising role in the family .
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