Example sentences of "the [noun sg] a [adj -er] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Both allow programs to pretend that they are connected to a PostScript printer and so offer the user a wider range of typefaces , GoScript comes with emulators for both the basic four-font and extended eleven-font sets .
2 Care management is at an early stage of development in Britain but , if the experience in the United States is anything to go on , we can be optimistic that the system will promote for the recipient a better coordination of services and a better quality of community care .
3 It is safer to cook the stuffing separately from the turkey to give the turkey a better chance of cooking right through .
4 Well I sent it to the B B C , I sent it to Duncan but I also sent it to the the Lady a shorter version to the Lady their competition and I said their competition was gon na be on the eighteenth in their issue they would give the names of the of the winners , but I had looked in the Lady yesterday in Smiths and there was none of nothing about it , but I do n't think I 've won anyway because it said you 'd be notified by post so .
5 A swell lurched the catamaran a further metre towards the reef .
6 It gives the water a greater sense of depth , and if a bit of liner does become exposed it does n't look so conspicuous .
7 It is obviously to the husband 's advantage in such circumstances to seek to persuade the first mortgagee to offer the wife a further advance of sufficient amount to repay the second charge .
8 In broad terms it was found that British managements had adopted a control system which relied little upon direct managerial intervention and allowed the workforce a greater say in decision-making , essentially as a recognition of the de facto power of trade unions and shopfloor organisation within the industry .
9 This does not explain , however , why many countries think it necessary to give the Constitution a higher status in law than other rules of law .
10 What The Ramblers ' Association wants — and will fight for — is to make the countryside a better place for everyone to walk in .
11 The reward for encouraging all members of staff to be active participants in the decision-making process , so helping them to develop an ownership of the final policy , is that it gives the policy a greater chance of being fully implemented across the curriculum .
12 Thus long-stroke engines were traditionally high-torque engines , but modern short-stroke turbocharged units can produce as much torque ( and usually more ) by giving the piston a bigger shove on each firing stroke .
13 The aim is to attract as wide a range of uses as possible to make the theatre a bigger part of the Tewkesbury Community .
14 Given the performance a truer reflection of the game would have been a 6–0 win to Leeds .
15 It was in 1688 that he became a leader of the seven bishops , including Archbishop Sancroft of Canterbury , who refused to ‘ make themselves parties ’ to the two Declarations of Indulgence issued by James II and aimed at giving the Nation a greater degree of religious tolerance , thus taking some of the pressure off the Roman Catholics .
16 JOHN Major is poised to do his bit to make the world a safer place in 1993 .
17 With the widespread translation of Early Irish stories into English around the turn of the century a younger generation of Irishmen and women discovered for the first time a fresh and potent source of images to define their sense of nationality .
18 But at least she would be treading in his footsteps , and somewhere along the way a clearer picture of him might emerge .
19 Whatever the explanation , the above treatment is cheap , does not involve drugs and gives the patient a greater control over his treatment .
20 He job will be to give the Pavillion a higher profile among local companies and organisations looking for conferences and events .
21 Commenting on the Heathrow installation , BAA Hotels managing director Jeremy Logie said : ‘ The primary role of technology is to give the guest a better experience at the hotel .
22 The use of key signatures is , however , gaining ground and has the advantage of giving the player a surer sense of the tonality of the piece .
23 Indeed , in the last years of the Empire a smaller proportion of noble land passed from their hands than at any time since Emancipation .
24 Thus confidential data can be stored on such a disk and the user of this data can physically remove it , even take it home with him if he so desires , thereby ensuring that the information can not be seen by any unauthorised persons This control over sensitive data coupled with the fact that the computer is personal to one user at a time gives the operator a greater sense of confidence in , and control over , the machine he is using .
25 If these complex and individual selections are frustrated by the client a weaker piece of work will inevitably result .
26 I think it may give the Reader a worse Idea of her Person than it deserv 'd , which was very far from being shocking ; tho' there was nothing extraordinary in it .
27 The book provides a nice blend of information and entertainment , and gives the reader a broader appreciation of RAF aircraft of 1940 than other publications .
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